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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thank You for the Primary Win!

It was a night of victory!

Just in case you haven't heard, last night was quite the victory celebration. Congratulations to all of the winning Republican candidates across the state as well as thank you to all of those who ran. Republicans are energized and it shows - 214,350 more Republicans voted statewide in the 2016 Presidential primary than in the 2012 Presidential primary and officials must still count absentee and provisional ballots!

I am so humbled to have received 78% of the vote to win the Republican primary and to head into the general election in November. Thank you for your support, your encouraging words, and all the hard work that so many of you have contributed to make our victory possible.

Today started the general election campaign and I'll once again need your support to win in November. You can volunteer for the campaign by signing uphere or you can request literature, bumper stickers, and yard signs by clicking here. With all of us working together, we can celebrate a win in November as well.

Big congratulations to Delegate Kathy Szeliga who won the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate seat. It was a large field of candidates, 14 in all, and Kathy took an impressive 36% of the vote. She has my full support and I am hoping you will join me in helping to make her our next U.S. Senator from Maryland! You can find out more about her by going to http://www.kathyformaryland.com/. She truly will bring common sense change to Washington DC.

Another doctor in the House? I would be honored to work with Dr. Mark Plaster in the House of Representatives come January 2017 - but we need him to win in November. Dr. Plaster is exactly the right candidate to be able to win against Congressman Sarbanes. Mark and his team have spent the last 2 years covering the 3rd District in his big bus, knocking on doors, helping with neighborhood projects and caring about the residents, their needs, and their circumstances. If you have family or friends living in the 3rd Congressional District make sure they learn more about Dr. Plaster and vote in November. http://www.plasterforcongress.com/

Again, thank you for your continued support. It is my honor to represent the 1st Congressional District of Maryland and with your help, I will continue to represent the 1st District in 2017.

1 comment:

  1. How long has Sarbanes been in office? ? He was in there when I was a kid!!!


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