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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Target Defends Unpopular Pro-Transgender Bathroom Policy

Target is sticking with its plan to open all of its single-sex bathrooms and changing rooms to members of the opposite sex, despite a public boycott and a new poll showing growing public support for single-sex bathrooms.

“We certainly respect that there are a wide variety of perspectives and opinions,” company spokeswoman Molly Snyder told USA Today.

“As a company that firmly stands behind what it means to offer our team an inclusive place to work — and our guests an inclusive place to shop — we continue to believe that this is the right thing for Target,” she said, adding that the company has “single-stall, family restrooms for those who may be more comfortable with that option.”

The statement came as the #BoycottTarget petition reached over 550,000 signers in less than a week.



  1. No problem. I don't have to subscribe to their liberal agenda.
    I will no longer shop there period.
    The selection and prices there sucked anyway!

  2. Is the store in the Bury doing the same for the bathrooms? If so I'm history as far as the target store goes .

  3. I hope it's Good Bye Target. Everyone boycott them and show them who is Boss.

  4. Men dressing up as females and going into female ONLY areas and committing crimes against females has been a problem for forever. ALL Target is doing is contributing to violence against women with this policy. I would guess that their largest customer base is women. It speaks volumes about them and only proves that they could care less about women and their safety.
    BOYCOTT TARGET-We DON'T need them or their hatred of women in our space.

  5. @10:53 it is a CORPORATE POLICY - so YES SALISBURY TARGET is doing the same thing!

  6. everyone boycott, allow me the cheap deals - THEN they can close!!!

  7. bye bye target but I bet they put it back after trump wins but guess what too late.

  8. sounds like target is targeting the freaks of the world for customers. thanks but i'll pass and so will my daughters

  9. Speaking of freaks.....I was at a nail salon recently and this extra tall "woman" came in to get her /his nails done and a waxing. I could tell it really was a "man" dressed as a woman and he/she made me nauseous just listening to their talk and stares at me! Would hate to run into that in the ladies restroom!

  10. I feel like a lady today, guess I have to go to target.

  11. Guess they will lose a lot of business since they cater to the 3% of the population by supporting this mental diease. hopefully fellow Eastern shoreman will join me in boycotting Target so they will close down, dry up and blow away

  12. 2:08 Yeah I'm sure you're a beauty queen!


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