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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Supreme Court May Be Leaning Toward Voiding Ex-Va. Governor's Corruption Conviction

The Supreme Court appears to be leaning in favor of reversing the corruption conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, based on Wednesday's oral arguments.

At the case's core is how to determine a clean "official act" from a corrupt one, and where the line is.

Justice Elena Kagan said during oral arguments that the court is concerned both about overzealous prosecutors and giving a free pass to corrupt politicians.

Many of the justices — both liberal and conservative — appeared dissatisfied with the standard that the government is currently using to seek convictions on public corruption charges.

Justice Stephen Breyer said he doesn't want a situation where all of the power is in the hands of the Justice Department to decide who is prosecuted for a felony and who is not.


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