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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Subject: Va. Gov. McAuliffe Vetoes Bill That Requires Schools to Notify Parents About Sexually Explicit Materials

Looks like Left-wing Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia is siding with secretive perversion over parental rights after vetoing a bill that would have required schools to notify parents when they are being presented sexually explicit materials. It’s no wonder more and more Americans have had it with the ruling class.

As reported by AMI Newswire, McAuliffe vetoed a measure known as the “Beloved Bill,” a measure that would have required local schools to notify parents about the use of instructional material containing sexually explicit content, and mandated that teachers provide alternative content if a parent objects to the original material.

In his veto message, McAuliffe said the state’s board of education “is already considering this issue in a broader and more complete context,” and that the bill’s “lack of flexibility” would “require the label of ‘sexually explicit’ to apply to an artistic work based on a single scene, without further context.”

Why that is problematic to a governor who is also a parent is a head scratcher, considering that McAuliffe the father more than likely would have objected to having sexually explicit materials secretly force-fed to his kids.

The legislation, sponsored by House Education Committee Chairman Steve Landes (R-Weyers Cave), passed the House of Delegates 98-0 (this includes all Democrats in the House of Delegates as well). The Senate approved the measure 22-17, indicating the chances of a veto override are uncertain.

More here


  1. The liberal left is taking us to hell in a handbasket.

    Time to vote to take our country back from the liberal leftist loons!

    I almost don't care who wine as long as it isn't the HildaBeast or the BS'er!

  2. DOnt you see the Rainbow warrior Coalition is winning the moral War they are eroding Freedom morals and justification of what's right and wrong. He is an idiot

  3. Do not want to hear VA residents complain. You voted for this crap!

  4. Its all about the lgbt agenda.

  5. This is why parents need to sacrifice 12 years or so to teach their kids at home.

  6. NO 11:50 PM it is all about people being stupid and allowing it to continue...

    NO matter what you think about the LGBT crap, at least they are fighting for what they want, look at you people, who just run your mouth on a blog and put no action behind anything... SO YES they are winning, and YES they will win because you stupid slow people are allowing them...

    NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING UNLESS YOU LET THEM, that includes our govt too...

  7. 8:19. It wouldn't take 12 YEARS to educate our children. 7, maybe 8, at most.

  8. Yes, please pull your kids and teach them at home so my kids don't have to listen to their crap. Dinosaurs lived the same time as humans? The Earth is only 6000 years old? Gay marriage will lead to people marrying their pets? Please, please hide in your houses with all that nonsense!


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