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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Subject: Sotomayor: How Can Gov’t Function If It Can’t Make People Do Things They Believe Will Damn Their Souls?

In oral arguments in the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked an attorney representing East Texas Baptist University, Southern Nazarene University, Geneva College and the Little Sisters of the Poor whether the United States government would ever be able to function if it could not demand that people do things that those people believe will cause their souls to “be damned in some way.”

“Because every believer that’s ever come before us, including the people in the military, are saying that my soul will be damned in some way,” said Sotomayor. “I’m not naysaying that that is a very substantial perceived personal burden by them. But if that’s always going to be substantial, how will we ever have a government that functions? How will we ever have anything that the government can demand people do in objecting…that won’t be a problem?”

The case—Zubik v. Burwell—is looking at the question of whether the Obama administration can force Catholic and Protestant non-profit institutions to cooperate in a government regulatory scheme that would use the health-care plans of those institutions to deliver coverage for sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs and devices.



  1. Wow just another example of hope Obama wants to control peoples lives and beliefs will it ever end...

  2. It seemed to able to function previously Ms. Sotomayor!!!!

  3. Fascinating how the double standard is at work here. Because the matter centers around Catholic Christian beliefs, the appeal gets a poor reception by Obama's specially appointed puppet. Yet, if this matter had anything to do with Sharia or something favorable to the loser in chief, then we would see elaborate reasons for why such claims should have merit. Clearly, this court has no respect for the Catholic faith, which is clearly evident here. Her comparisons alone are not even comparable. Truly pathetic what our justice system is turning into.

  4. Like it's the government's function to 'Make people do things'.
    This is the problem.. that they have such an attitude.

  5. Her question is all wrong. She is saying that people will want to avoid a government program because of religious belief. If that was the question I would agree with her.

    So I think the court should rule against the Little Sisters. I don't want the court to decide for Muslims and Jews either.

    But, the real problem is that the government should not be in the business of creating programs that are outside of the articles of the constitution. Where in the constitution does it account for health care? It doesn't.

    So if it were not for Obamacare such a decision would not be necessary. The court created this problem by not outlawing Obamacare and it will be required to rule over and over again for the many challenges that are coming from all different religious groups.

  6. Regardless of what the majority of Supreme Court Justices determined, Obama's enforcement of Americans buying health insurance is illegal. The Supreme Court majority did say the govt cannot penalize those who don't participate, which is exactly what they're doing with the fines each year taxpayers are forced to pay in for not signing up. So to force a religious institution to participate in paying for something against their beliefs or they will be "fined" is also illegal.

  7. It is very simple. The government by the Constitution is not allowed to force us to even buy health insurance, let alone govern what will or will not be covered in any given policy. It cannot tell us what to buy or not buy. These decisions are foe each free individual to make on his or her own.

  8. When did the Federal Government / Supreme Court be judge and jury of our souls? What jurisdiction does the Federal Government / Supreme Court have over ones belief / Religion? They only discriminate / criticize the Christians. You never hear about the Feds criticize Muslims / Sharia law, Atheist and other Cults.

  9. Sotomayor answered his own question (I know he appears as a female for now, until he feels that he is a woman again).

    The government has no business "demanding that people do . . . ANYTHING"

    The government needs to get out of everybody's lives!

    Leave us alone.

  10. No one who has yet commented got this post.I think I know why.

  11. She has a viewpoint that can't be matched!

    I can't get my head that far up my @$$!

    Please don't let this POSPOTUS select another SCOTUS judge! We can see what happened with the most recent ones!

  12. this is exactly what happens when the 'heathen' rule the land. our founding fathers and 95% of the people who were living at that time were either 'born again' Christians or had a great knowledge of the Bible and respected God. this is a FACT. we have slid so far, this is what we have to deal with. a recent poll published in USA Today stated that 65% still believe in the Resurrection of Jesus. need i say more...don't think so.

    1. The bible was pretty much the only book widely available, and the few that were literate became very familiar with it, because they had noting else to read! If people had mostly comic books to read, they'd have a "great knowledge" of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. The "holy trinity" would look like superheroes.

    2. A Falling Away.

  13. And yet Muslims exempt from Obamacare because it is against their religion. This is a fact as it's written in the law. Note, Obama appointed this woman.

  14. 4:39
    Person. Barry appointed a person.

  15. make people do... liberals are mentally ill


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