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Friday, April 08, 2016

Subject: MSP: April Criminal Initiative


  1. thank goodness for those speeding and seat belt checks, that'll put a dent in the heroin trafficing around here. great job msp. maybe you could actually do some undercover police investigations and find the dealers / importers. but then you would have to stop handing out seat belt tickets and do some real police work!

  2. @5:40
    Do you think the drugs come in/through here by mule train?

  3. And do you think that those were just random seat belt checks? No, they were looking at these people for a while and waiting for some probable cause for a stop.

  4. It's hard to believe that some people still don't buckle up.

  5. 8:12 that's why it's called real police work, the little bit that fell into their laps from bs random checks is a joke. you think with the government listening in and tracking every text phone call email they dont have any ideas who's who? total bs!


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