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Monday, April 11, 2016

Subject: Michelle Obama Hosts Iranian New Year’s Feast

Amid increasingly negative rhetoric surrounding the U.S. nuclear deal with Iran, first lady Michelle Obama hosted a traditional Iranian new year’s feast Wednesday at the White House to celebrate diversity and inclusion.

“Right now when we are hearing such disturbing and hateful rhetoric, it is so important to remember that our diversity has been and will always be our greatest source of strength and pride here in the United States,” said Obama. “We think America is strongest when we recognize our many traditions, when we celebrate our diversity and when we lift each other up.”



  1. But we don't appease our enemies! This is why the world is in such a sorry state. Our enemies laugh and become bolder and they openly talk about destroying us.

  2. Was there an Easter feast this year?
    I must have missed that.

  3. Was Valerie Jarrett there?
    I'm sure she was. I wouldn't think she would miss something like that.

  4. One pro muslim to another.

  5. I have NEVER seen a group of people (Obama and his Trojan horse clan) so willing, so eager, and so HAPPILY giving comfort to the enemy (these are the people that encourage their population to assemble and chant "Death to America!!") to the point of INVITING them here, partying with them, and ignoring their belligerence.
    Obama would have executed in World war II for collaborating with the enemy.
    Today, millions of lemmings CHEER his complicity as he weakens our country every day.
    Keep cheering.

  6. But when it comes to Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas where are the Obamas and their dinners. Oh, that's right, we have to go to Hawaii every year at Christmas and waste millions of dollars taking half of D.C. with us to guard us and wait on us. January 2017 just cannot get here quick enough.

  7. There was no ham served, and the blessing was said to Allah.

  8. WTH!! What a Traitor!

    I know Laura Bush would not have done that.

  9. I hope that she chokes on it.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 11, 2016 at 1:49 PM

    Like I said before, It All Makes Sense. Understand this, the person running the White House Show is Obama's a Chief Of Staff, muslim woman Valerie Jarrett, the owner of the biggest Lawyer Fraud Company from Chicago. She was born in Iran, speaks Urdu and IS SELLING OUT THIS LAND TO IRANIANS. There is much more and it's been going on for many years. Nothing this Administration Does Is COINCIDENCE, they have a plan and they follow it very steadily.
    Wake Up, Sheepke!

  11. just think the Tax Payers will be handing out billions in retirement benefits to these Muslims. Will these Muslims treat Hawaii with the influx of Muslims when they move there or will Hawaii be excluded as they are now from Muslim immigrants. Will they build section 8 housing in their neighborhoods to house these illegals? Just think the spineless Republicans / Leadership is pushing to get another DemocRAT in the White House.


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