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Friday, April 01, 2016

Subject: Associated Press Willingly Cooperated with the Nazis, New Report Shows

News agency and Third Reich said to have made mutually beneficial deal, with AP providing countless photos for Nazi propaganda; AP denies collaboration

The Associated Press news agency willingly cooperated with Nazi Germany, submitting to the regime’s restrictive rulings on the freedom of the press and providing it with images from its photo archives to be used in its anti-Semitic and anti-Western propaganda machine, a new report reveals.

When Adolf Hitler’s National Socialists rose to power in 1933, all international news agencies but the US-based AP were forced to leave Germany. The AP continued to operate in the Third Reich until 1941, when the United States joined World War II.

According to German historian Harriet Scharnberg, the world’s biggest news agency was only allowed to remain in Germany because it signed a deal with the regime.

The news agency lost control over its copy by submitting itself to the Schriftleitergesetz (editor’s law), agreeing not to print any material “calculated to weaken the strength of the Reich abroad or at home,” she wrote in an article published in the academic journal Studies in Contemporary History.

Scharnberg’s research was first reported by the UK-based Guardian newspaper.

According to the paper, the Nazis’ so-called editor’s law forced AP employees to contribute material for the Nazi party’s propaganda division. One of the four photographers working for the company in the 1930s was Franz Roth, a member of the SS paramilitary unit’s propaganda division. His pictures were handpicked by Hitler, the Guardian writes.



  1. When you have a gun to your head, you do whatever you have to in order for the trigger not to get pulled.

  2. No 'gun to the head', 4:59. They did it willingly, in order to get ACCESS.
    Just like the reporters have been doing with Hillary. Letting her aids review and rewrite their stories-- even insisting on specific adjectives being used to describe her and her actions.
    They do it WILLINGLY.

  3. Integrity in journalism does not exsist anymore.

  4. Media is owned and controlled by the very people who empowered Adolph Hitler.

    They are the central bankers and Wall Street corporate masters.

    Research Prescott Bush, George Walker, Armand Hammer, and Union Bank in NY

  5. Henry Ford was one of Hitlers closest friends.
    Ford even received one of Nazi Germany's highest awards a non military person.
    Ford made special arrangements with the allies to not bomb his factories in Germany during WWII.

  6. Now they are the Nazi's.


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