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Saturday, April 23, 2016

So You Know...


  1. Sounds right to me, she broke the law! WE got people that don't agree with legal abortions, but it is the law, so if they blow up a abortion clinic, and no one gets hurt, we should make a hero out of them? This is just as stupid.

  2. I'm glad they didn't approve a close up of her face , she looks a slight grumpy .

  3. Look at all the women in history who have accomplished so much and they pick her? Something wrong with the group who made this decision.

  4. 7:42 she was chosen because she was black.

    1. Bingo! A move to make BLM happy. Like Al Sharpton, they believe criminals are heros!

  5. Just count your blessings 742 and be gald it was not eleanor roosevelt. You others are just ignorant hicks. She put her neck on the line. Some of you probably havent even served in the military. So shut up. I find it comforting that shes a rebellious gun toting republican black women.

  6. In 1899 my great-great grandfather's Civil War pension was $20, too. It went all the way up to $24 before he died in 1922.

  7. Not only that - a gun-totin' republican is replacing a democrat on the currency. I guess I'm OK with that part anyway!

    1. You along with the others here better learn your history better. Back then a Democrat was really a Republican and vice versa. She is nothing more than a Democrat. One that was breaking the law at that. I guess you all would like to say that our Sharpton is a hero as well. For inciting all the race Wars and not paying his taxes all in the name of the BLM.

  8. When a TV crew asked the public on the street abut this change almost 75% of the people asked didn't even know who this woman was! They should have chosen a woman at least for a time period that is newer. Maybe put Sally Ride on the bill? Mother Treasa?

  9. That's because 75% of the public are morons. A Republican hero to replace the founder of the Democrats. OK with me.

  10. That is because 75% of people are just plain dumb.


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