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Thursday, April 21, 2016

S.C. Sheriff Warns Men Using Women’s Restroom: ‘I’m Gonna Whip Your Tail If You Go in There With My Wife’

As the battle rages in North Carolina around the new state law requiring people to use public restrooms that fit their biological sex, Chuck Wright, sheriff of Spartanburg County, S.C., reacted to his state’s proposed law that mirrors the one now in place in N.C.

“I’m going to honest with you,” Wright said in a video posted by Dimsdale Debate..

“I don’t even know why there’s an issue about which bathroom to use, because if you are a guy and you go into bathroom with my wife, I’m gonna make the news -- I know [there are] three cameras rolling -- I’m gonna whip your tail if you go in there with my wife while she’s trying to use the bathroom, or my granddaughter,” said Wright, who was speaking at a meeting of the Greenville-Spartanburg Republican Women.

More here


  1. So if he sees what looks like a man walking in who says that he was born a woman, that would be ok?

  2. why dont all these stores schools etc put in a third bathroom for transgendered? that would alleviate the issue wouldn't it?
    Until then walk in with my wife or daughter there and you wont like me much.
    Still I'd like to see the chick who can piss standing up and not get it everywhere!

  3. 1:33 seriously? None of it's ok!

  4. If I catch a man in the restroom with me, he is likely to be missing an appendage when he leaves!

  5. You have my permission. Plumbing is plumbing.

  6. Maybe everyone should calm down and listen to Trump on this.

  7. When you gotta go you gotta go. So Who really cares? If this TS is dressed so i cant tell by looking. Who cares, they are truly screwed up. So to each his own, what do i care were they release waste. Its the potiential for abuse by human trash, pervs, molesters, or rapist type deviants that are the concern. Im on the side of caution for that one reason. Otherwise no harm no foul in my book.

  8. 2:45 The new law in NC forces exactly what 1:33 described. There is where your predictor will get in. It actually just made it easier.

  9. Democrats next goal is normalizing pedophilia.

  10. 7:02 Manlove & NAMBA are already pushing for this since it is so common in the Muslim religion.


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