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Monday, April 04, 2016

River's Edge A Proven Success In Salisbury

How can you deny this 
incredible piece of artwork!


  1. In the visible spectrum , white is the presence of all colors. Black is the total absence of color. A wonderful work of nothing as is suitable for the location and defined by the contributors. In other words if you produce nothing the results are obvious such as this. However , it just may be a picture of your very clean water in that river.

  2. You are correct Anon 6:18
    This is somehow representative of the 'artists in residence' at River's Edge of the ghetto

  3. An expression of the artist. Did it get you thinking about it? Then it's done its job.

  4. Anon 8:27
    No, it really didn't get me thinking about it, you may find that strange but, no, it didn't. I have taught 2nd grade students who have produced far more artistic works. This one sucks!

  5. And someone actually stopped to look at it!!!! Shame on her

  6. "Artist" at River's Edge = lazy bum who lives off of my tax dollars. Only in America !

  7. Better than a lot I've seen that pass as art!

  8. Some kind of arteests there!

  9. Artists equal WELFARE,I know.

  10. It was art when the original artist did this back in the Pop Art movement, now it's just derivative. Sorry but ripping off an artist like Mark Rothko is not being an artist. It's being a copy cat.


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