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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rep. Brat: Syrian Refugees Have NOT Been Vetted for National Security

(CNSNews.com) -- Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) says that “a gaping hole in our national security apparatus” means that Syrian refugees “have not been vetted” before they are resettled in the United States.

“Of course the major problem there is that they have not been vetted in terms of national security,” Brat told CNSNews.com. “We just want to [send a] message to the American people that the issue has not yet been resolved."

“ISIS has made it very clear in their documents that their intent and their goal is to bring radicalized folks from around the world in through the southern border and to use the refugee program to do so,” Brat warned.

“And so when your enemy tells you what their plan is in writing, it seems that at a minimum we should be vetting folks.

"And so we’re asking the American people to weigh in to their leaders to make sure that we don’t let this go unnoticed,” he told CNSNews.



  1. "We just want to send a message to the American people that the issue has not been resolved yet."
    Excuse me???? The terrorists have ANNOUNCED that they are planting soldiers in the midst of the "refugees". So our "leaders" continue to let them come here unabated, unchecked, and unfettered. I feel like I missed something.
    I think we'll "get the message" about the issue being "unresolved" when we get the call that our kids were killed in the subway by a bomb planted by a poor little refugee kid from Syria.
    Our leaders will wring their hands in despair and cry tears. Then vote for fully funding the next 100,000.
    Keep cheering.

  2. If this is a surprise to any of you - you are truly dumbocrat stupid!
    Out illegal alien muslim sympathizing POSPOTUS lied to us once again.

    You'll get more real security from Linus' blanket than you will from this slime-sympathizing and vote-gathering administration.

    These slimes should NOT be allowed in to this country - regardless of whether they are man, woman, or child...they have shown all can and have been radicalized...and are willing to die to meet allah while promoting death to us...

    They dress like the targets we used to practice on - tell us we can have some real targets to shoot at!

  3. I wouldn't vote for these perps either.

  4. Ditto to both of you!

  5. Wasn't one of the San Bernadino terrorists supposedly vetted? Who can trust that kind of system to let someone like that through. That's hardly a mistake.

  6. Look what's happening in Fargo North Dakota.


    And the balls of this newscaster! Wow....you won't see a guy like this on wboc


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