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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Reagan Daughter to Will Ferrell: My Dad's Alzheimer's Not Comedy Material

Patti Davis, daughter of former President Ronald Reagan, penned an open letter to comic actor Will Ferrell on Thursday, urging him not to make fun of her father's battle with Alzheimer's disease in an upcoming movie that was announced on Wednesday.

In the letter, published Thursday at The Daily Beast, Davis details the pain both Reagan and his family endured as he slowly lost his memories and connection to friends and loved ones.



  1. 4/29/16 Will Ferrell 'not pursuing' 'Reagan' movie
    Fox News‎ -

  2. The more I read & hear out of the entertainment business the more despicable I find the whole damn lot. Hypocrite, traitor, racist, avaricious, pretentious, egotistical, establishment propagandist are but a few of the adjectives I associate with "Hollywood" today.

  3. Bonzo is a better actor than Will is.

  4. Why not do a comedy on the death of Vince Foster, or the Benghazi fiasco, damm funny she has gotten away with it.

  5. That's no problem. Will Ferrell isn't funny. Never has been, never will be.


  6. The only reason that Hollyweird liberal backed off is he was smart enough to see it would not enhance his career. He should have turned it down before realizing the consequence.

  7. everything seems funny to the nuts in hollywierd but there comes a time in everyones life where you regret making fun of someone elses issues

  8. Liberals are pure evil.

  9. Take it easy there people. He is a comedian and deals in satire. He can say and make fun of whatever he wants. Its not that he is making fun of Alzheimers, its that he is making fun of a specific person that had Alzheimers. The joke is at the expense of Reagan and his family is obviously upset about it. So if he is a decent person he will not do the jokes. BTW most comedians are not particularly worried about your feelings, nor should they be.

  10. They should do a film on perverts in the ladies toilet.


  11. Re: 5:52's comment.

    Several observations:

    Will Ferrell is a performer. IMHO he reached his comic zenith as 'Elf'. Kind of a younger Chevy Chase. He's lucky to have work of any kind.

    The notion of casting him as President Reagan was not to take a sympathetic look at the disease's onset and progression. Instead it would be fodder for any real or invented miscues they could weave into the script, for the sole purpose of diminishing a great man no longer able to reply.

    My mother lived for nine years after being diagnosed with Alzheimers; she fared much better than many both physically and psychologically as it progressed. But it still erased her memory, starting with the very recent (what did I have for lunch?) and working its way back in time. She was just shy of 91 at her passing but thought she was about 68. My sibs needed to introduce themselves each time they visited, even if they were there the previous day, or earlier in the day. It is the nature of the disease.

    The features and progression of the disease are fairly common knowledge anymore. That is why the notion of making fun of Mr. Reagan or any other sufferer is so base. Mr. Ferrell or someone near to him made a good call in ultimately rejecting this role. But it doesn't mean the project is kaput.

    Mom was great; mentioned her only to cite first hand experience with the disease and why it's not really the best topic for a knee-slapper.


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