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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Protesters At Trump Rally In Berlin, Maryland

I don't get it. Why are these protesters at a Trump Rally. OK, so you are gay, I get that. Did Donald Trump come out and say he is against someone being gay? "Make America Gay Again". I just makes no sense to me. 


  1. America was never gay so you can't make her gay "again." Shows you how misguided these people are.

  2. Its funny how these protestors can hold a sign but they can't hold a job.

  3. It doesn't matter, this is great. I love it.

  4. The last time America was gay was in the 90's. The 1890's.

  5. They are nauseating esp that local organizer Gabrielle Franks.

    She's a low class troublemaker. Instead of organizing a protest if she had a ounce of decency she would have said as much as some of us would love to protest in person, we are going to keep this an online protest as I will not subject my community to even the prospect of any type of unrest, so protesters please stay away and participate online.
    It was not "peaceful" and if she is claiming it is then she is a liar. The protesters were using all kinds of foul language and at one point some one dressed in fatigues w/the Black Panther logo on the shirt was nearly getting in people's faces filming them while they were waiting in line. Franks is as much at fault for him as she is for the foul language the protesters were using. She as a local invited and encouraged.
    Today her parents (and any other family and friends of hers) heads should be dragging the ground in shame. They have nothing to be proud of with her. Not a damn thing. She is gross and despicable. They raised a degenerate who in attempt to show off and be cute could have jeopardized the safety of her own community.

    1. okay anonymous, do you know her personally, because it sounds like you do, and you're being a coward.

  6. Just shows how uninformed some people can be. The fact that these 'protestors' showed up at all is indicative of the rebel-rousing that makes the area look silly and irrelevant. They may think they're making a smart statement but in fact, they're making themselves look ridiculous. Not to mention informing that some have way too much time on their hands but not enough smarts to inform themselves.

  7. These are young minds full of mush.

  8. LOL they are in between shifts at the fast food burger joints!!! Just needed their little time in front of a camera....I bet they are looking for Jimbo.....WRONG RALLY!

  9. I wonder if they know how disgusting and ridiculous they look out there holding these signs. Just showing all their ignorance. Go home to your Mommies and Daddies, and let them tell you one more time how to dress when you are in public and how to act.

  10. these are Bernie people

  11. "love more, hate less"...really? like they love us when they call us fundies, or tea baggers? Like they love us when they mock our God and call us stupid? Like they love us when they say that we don't have a right to say our piece? Who's the hater here, lady?

    1. My God would never build a wall. He would build a bridge...

    2. That reply is not anonymous... I know who you are :)

    3. Well...that's kind of creepy...

  12. Yes they are Bernie people and too stupid to realize that Sanders' is NOT in anyway shape or form going to be the democrat nominee. If they had 2 functioning brain cells they would be spending their time protesting the stacked democrat delegate system.

  13. Joe, I was at the rally and ENJOYED IT!!! The little one holding the gray and white flag sign that says, Make America gay again, I had to look three times cause at first I thought it was a little kid and then a boy and finally figured out it was a girl!! WOW!! I was floored!! BUt, when you asked them what they are protesting - they had no answer except that their friends asked them to come down!!! LOL!! So misguided!! Sad and to think they are our future - That scares me even more!!

  14. 11:57 They don't know the meaning of the word love. They are nothing more than products of the dumbed down US public "education" system and parents who themselves haven't an ounce of decency in them. Horrid parents who knew how to make a baby but didn't know how to be a real mother and a real father. Animals raise their young better. What you say makes perfect sense to people who actually know how to think but thinking escapes this bunch of losers.

  15. I remember when a pervert was a pervert and your mom warned you of them. Now it is considered hip and the in thing to be a pervert.

  16. 10:38 it is no ones fault but her own. To blame her family is ridiculous and makes you look ignorant.

  17. interesting...the girl in the middle, her sister sang last night in the gym. Wonder if they are a house divided?

    1. No dummy, she supports her country she doesn't trump or what he stands for. Their house is very United in knowing everything trump stands for is bullshit. -Torrey Brittingham

  18. Everyone protesting was not a Bernie person. I was protesting and I am voting for John Kasich.

  19. Why 2:59? Exercises in futility are never productive. But if you were protesting then I don't expect you to be able to grasp this reality. It's kind of like your protesting was an exercise in futility I you think for one second you are going to change anyone's mind about Donald Trump you are grossly uninformed. All protesting has ever done and will ever do is energize those you are protesting against. Protesting is for people who have very low self esteem and self worth and are grasping at ways to make themselves appear relevant. I sure the few hours that you were there showing off made you feel important didn't it? It got you all excited didn't it?

  20. Not even gonna read about these twits!

  21. we where screaming TRANSCONFUSION at them all day lol.

  22. Obama brainwashed

  23. These protesters have been programmed to follow along.

  24. What happened to kids just being kids

  25. Some people are too stupid to understand a blanket statement.Making America great again applies to us all,evenly and without bias.

  26. Watter needs to ask this bunch some really tough questions,like what their names are.

  27. I think it's funny you guys are ridiculing young people who are out there peacefully protesting. Meanwhile you guys are sitting behind a screen cowardly criticizing them. It is great that these young people are out there and paying attention to politics and going to vote in this year's election.

    1. 928 Do they really know they issues or candidates' platforms? Make America Gay Again? Don't recall Trump ever rallying against gays. No. It's Cruz that rallies behind pastor Kevin Swanson - the one who calls for mass executions for gays. Not Trump. So why would that young lady be holding up that sign to demonstrate against a candidate that has never said anything against gay people? If she's informed as you say then she should know this as well as you should know that fact, too.

      Most liklely, she's pissed because Trump isn't promoting free college. Why? This country can't afford free college. Basics sound business sense tells anyone with third grade math skills if Sammy is in debt for $19T there ain't no bread for free college.

    2. So you are making assumptions based off their looks? I believe any educated person would say that you are being prejudice.

  28. No dummy, she didn't sing for trump she sang because she supports her country. Everyone in the house is quite United as in knowing everything trump stands for is ridiculous. -Torrey Brittingham

  29. 1024 Torrey Brittingham, are you legally allowed to vote yet? No. So honestly your opinion is not needed nor does it count. Please con't your education in at SDHS and work on that NBA aspiration.

  30. I just want to say as the father of the young lady in the middle of this picture holding the sign "Love more, Hate Less" that I couldn't be more proud of my daughter for expressing her views and envoking her Constitutional Right to protest peacefully. I'm sure I would not have been so bold if I felt compelled to do so. I admire her for that.

    Yes, her sister sang the National Anthem (quite beautifully I might add). She was honored to perform because she loves her country, and was proud to represent SDHS and the Berlin community in doing so. I am very proud of her for being so absolutely fearless in doing so, as I know I would certainly not been able to do that (at least not without a football helmet on)

    My household is one of constant spirited debate and deep thinking, tough conversations as we try to teach all 4 of our children to be free thinkers and not swallow whole all of the garbage that is splattered all over the news and social media for mass consumption. We don't always agree, in fact, we disagree probably more often than not (6 people in a house problems). But at the end of the day, we love each other.

    My wife and I encourage all of our children to stand up for what they believe in while always showing love and compassion for those with opposing views. We want them to always let the light of Christ shine through all that they do.

    I am growing increasingly weary of all the insults being hurled from both sides of these issues. It makes me wonder how we can not understand that when we do, we come across as exactly what we claim the other side to be. Ignorant and uninformed.

    I think we could all use a little more Love, and a little less Hate.

    I am officially off of my soap box now.

    Cameron McDonough

    1. move to Syria you communist.


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