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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Prof Says Algebra Too Hard, Schools Should Drop It

A New York professor has sparked a debate among educators over whether or not algebra is too hard and should be dropped from the curriculum.

Political scientist Andrew Hacker of Queens College in New York insists the difficulty of learning algebra is responsible for a higher dropout rate when students find they can’t grasp the discipline. The course should be excluded, Hacker says, because the math is just too hard for students today.

“One out of 5 young Americans does not graduate from high school. This is one of the worst records in the developed world. Why? The chief academic reason is they failed ninth-grade algebra,” Hacker says in his new book The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions.



  1. They shouldn't graduate if they fail!

    Quit giving everyone that participates a trophy!

  2. Too hard for the Obama thugs.

  3. I always hated algebra and barely passed it in high school. I did well in all other subjects. Can anyone explain why it is necessary unless you are going into the math/science field?

    1. I use it every day and I'm just an lowely electrician

  4. Just think that something as simple a game as pool / billiards use Algebra / Geometry in its principles and how you perform your shots. DA!!! And People complain when we import people of knowledge from foreign Countries. Go back to 1st grade and completely dumb down US students. Then we will be a third world nation and everybody is supported by government handouts. This is proof of how lazy / no initiative the population is.

  5. 3:16 - look at 3:41's comment - it is all in the application - and the method of teaching.

  6. 3:16 you use algebra every day. You just dont realize it because we have iphones and other technology that can solve our mathematical dilemmas. However knowing how to solve algebraic problems is far, far better than the ability to ask Siri. Its still algebra no matter how you slice it.

    Technology has been the answer for many that hated algebra but we are all becoming dumber because of it.

    Any more if feel the movie "IDIOCRACY" is a prophecy and not ridiculous humor.

    Its got electrolytes.

  7. I didn't think I'd ever use algebra after high school and thought it pointless when I took it. But I ended up using it for calculating amount of building supplies needed for structures.

  8. No one uses it in real life anyway, drop it just like cursive, and other stupid antiquated subjects. Start putting back life skills, we kids that can't even fill out a check or balance the checkbook!

    1. Like cursive? How on earth will all these little darlings sign contracts?
      They need to bring it back!

      It is simply not the schools job to teach life skills, that belongs to the parents.

  9. Um, 526, Unless you are being facetious, go back and read what you just wrote!

  10. basket weaving and basketball are the only classes we need in high school and college, everything else is just a waste of time. on the other hand, we should also be taught how to play all lottery games and sign our welfare checks

  11. Idiocracy is coming

  12. just more dumbing down.

  13. NINTH grade algebra? I had Pre-Algebra in 7th grade, Algebra I in 8th grade, and Algebra II in 10th grade. I did just fine in all 3, it was Calculus that kicked my a@@! The only thing there that didn't make sense to me was why they inserted Geometry in 9th grade, seems like it would make more sense to have Algebra II in 9th grade the year after Algebra I, then put Geometry in 10th grade.

  14. is the guy's name really Hacker?.. I heard recently Queens College charges almost nothing to attend classes there...does Bernie Sanders know that?

  15. Algebra is tough for all Political Science majors -says volumes

  16. Some people can TEACH math, some can't. It is almost that simple, except for the students who do not want to learn. Any NORMAL person can learn anything he/she/it really wants to know.

  17. We need to eliminate all difficult courses like history, math & english, science and such. Push more for How not to offend others, LGBTXYZ and other fun things, Colors of the rainbow and what they mean in idiots' heads, How to make tinfoil hats when the chemtrails are being spread, Flying mineral strands in the Spring and what chemicals are put in them.

    You know, the important stuff! I'l bet there kids well than be you're bestest studants' two! Where going too make school you're grate place two find end educashion!


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