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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Petition: Springsteen Cancelling Concert is Like Bakers Refusing to Make Gay Wedding Cakes

A new petition on Change.org is defending rocker Bruce Springsteen and his decision to cancel a concert in North Carolina due to a controversial new law.

The petition is the work of Dennis Burgard, a 51 year-old real estate broker and investor from Jacksonville, NC. It argues that Springsteen refusing business with North Carolina is no different than bakers refusing gay wedding clients based on deeply held religious convictions.

"Springsteen acted in the exact manner a baker did in refusing to bake a cake due to deeply held personal beliefs, yet they were fined and he is celebrated," Burgard told CNSNews.

On April 8, Springsteen posted a message on his Facebook page explaining why he had cancelled the show April 10 due to HB2, a North Carolina law that requires people to use the bathroom that assigned with their biological gender. Critics have decried the law as anti-transgender.

More here


  1. That is becasue old brucy works for the same cult who is pushing this gay crap on people... Since he is in the industry, wtf would they go after him???

    HE is standing up for so called LGBT so that is why they won't do squatt... But if you are christian best breleive they will come for you, what do you expect from evil, the devil and demons who hate god? I expect nothing less than all of this...

    Why can a LGBT sue someone for fake believes, but Christians cannot sue to defend themselves? Think about it, it turns everything great, on its head, that is how you bring down a great nation, by not making it great anymore by demonizing everything that once made it great...

    Like the patriots, service men, cops and Christians, all of that is being targeted now isn't it? But no govt official defends those people and will bend over backwards for LGBT...

  2. He is a overrated cop hating POS.

  3. Bruce....return to Asbury Park and stay there.

  4. Whatever. All this move did is lose fans for Springsteen. One would think after the whole Dixie Chicks ordeal musicians would learn not to mix personal politics with their livelihood. Some people never learn.

  5. so tired of hearing about this. If you do not agree then cancel. there are plenty of others that will show up. This PR stunt is not going to change any views in the solid south.

  6. He is another self promoting Jewish enertainer. His image is all a sham. Screw him

  7. He's backing the convicted child sex offender who has been fighting for repeal of the law.

  8. Worst halftime Superbowl performance ever.What is it with dragging these has beens to the greatest show on Earth?

  9. 9:34 is correct, its all due to the evil hidden dangers of the rainbow agenda. They have warriors and they supporting twisted evil logic and attack god fearing patriots and real american citizens. We see it daily, attacks on all fronts. Its all in preparation for you to bend over and take the number on your forehead like a good little boy Or girl. It disgusts me, how some people so easily cave into demonic Ideals but run, sue and scream in agony of anything Godly or American. If you don't realize that the establishment Has bamboozled, brainwashed generations into believing that this is the way it needs to be

  10. I stand with Bruce and have diverted my family's annual trip from Emerald Isle, NC to Virginia Beach instead. The governor of NC has already begun to backpedal so clearly boycotting is working. Social conservatives need to clue in that pro-business conservatives have more clout.


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