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Friday, April 08, 2016

Paid sick leave legislation killed in Senate

Senate chairman wants to revive bill for vote in next session

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Paid sick leave legislation clears a big hurdle with passage in the House, but it is being declared dead on arrival this year in the Senate.

The measure requires employers with at least 15 workers to allow them to earn up to seven days of paid sick leave per year.

The earned paid sick leave bill has never gotten this far.

"Basically, this maybe is the extinction act of the small family restaurant," said Delegate Susan McComas, R-Harford County.

Earned paid sick leave survived a hard fought battle on the House floor, only to land in limbo in a Senate committee. The chairman believes the legislation needs too much work and not there's enough time to finish it this session.

"We will get the bill ready for voting next year," said Sen. Mac Middleton, chairman, Finance Committee.



  1. No work , no pay. We used to have sick days and it was so abused by people that "just had to take their days" and it was cancelled.

  2. Any legislation that increases the cost to any size employer will cost jobs, wages, and prices!

    Thanks goodness for a few smart State Senators!

    Don't get me wrong - I think having paid sick leave is a good thing...but let the employment market decide the cost/benefit!

  3. There are many idiots in Annapolis that think every businessperson is rich.

  4. Anonymous said...
    No work , no pay. We used to have sick days and it was so abused by people that "just had to take their days" and it was cancelled.

    April 8, 2016 at 11:33 AM

    Can you prove they were abused. After so many missed days many employers require a doctors note.


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