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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Oops: Walmart's 'University of Maryland' t-shirts have wrong state on them

Walmart made an "oops" when printing off University of Maryland t-shirts.

After seeing the t-shirt at a Walmart in Severn, Md., Samantha Ficco took to Twitter to point out their mistake, saying, "Dear Walmart, I want to inform you that you're selling UMD shirts with the state of Massachusetts on them."



  1. The same thing (well sort of) happened in lower slower when road name signs were installed.At least 3 were put on the wrong roads & then corrected after a few days of complete mayhem.

  2. Most of the students at today's schools and universities wouldn't know one states outline from another.

  3. Shows you how stupid people in this country are and have gotten... NO one double checks anything anymore... And EVERYONE is always just doing their job as they are told...

    Must be common core education at its best...

  4. What do you expect when they are all made in China?

  5. Somebody just lost a job.

  6. An American company could have produced those shirts here in America. That company will be the one to pay for their mistake. It is nothing to cheer about.

  7. Looks to me like it might be a collector item.


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