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Thursday, April 07, 2016

OCPD Looking Out for Distracted Drivers during National Texting Enforcement Crackdown

OCEAN CITY, MD – From April 8-13, 2016, law enforcement personnel will be using a combination of traditional and innovative strategies to crack down on motorists who text while driving. The national U Drive. U Text. U Pay. high-visibility enforcement campaign had two goals: conduct strict enforcement of anti-texting laws, and couple these efforts with advertising, media, and social media outreach to let drivers know about the enforcement and convince them to obey the law.

“Driving and texting is not only dangerous and irresponsible-it’s illegal and can be very costly to violators,” said Chief Ross Buzzuro. “When you text while driving, you take your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel and mind off the task of driving which puts yourself and others at risk.”

In 2014, an estimated 3,179 people were killed and an additional 431,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. Additionally, the percentage of drivers text-messaging or visibly using handheld devices increased in recent years. Young drivers (ages 16 to 24) have been observed using handheld devices at higher rates than older drivers.


  1. Wow!! With EVERYTHING going on let's spend thousands on hiding in bushes,cars,tractor trailer to catch people texting! !! YAWN!!!

  2. Waste of time and money.

  3. People who choose to text and drive choose to die. We might call it suicide by texting.

  4. Its a tax on poor people. Those that can afford new vehicles have that fancy bluetooth/handsfree talk to text stuff. They still text just not with phone in hand and are still distracted.

  5. If they do this in the summer they will make a fortune!!!!!!

  6. They need to do a special enforcement around the college, I see it all the time, very dangerous.

  7. Do we really want the cops involved in crime PREVENTION?

    We used to be free.

    Common Law:
    Protect life and property.
    Was anyone hurt?
    Was any property damaged?

  8. I wish I could make a citizens complaint when I see someone talking or texting while driving. There is hardly a day goes by that someone isn't putting your life at risk by using a cell phone while driving. I use to think it was not such a big deal until I was hit by a car while the driver had a phone glued to the drivers head. If you are doing anything but driving you are guilty of distracted driving and endangering others.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wish I could make a citizens complaint when I see someone talking or texting while driving. There is hardly a day goes by that someone isn't putting your life at risk by using a cell phone while driving. I use to think it was not such a big deal until I was hit by a car while the driver had a phone glued to the drivers head. If you are doing anything but driving you are guilty of distracted driving and endangering others.

    April 8, 2016 at 11:51 AM

    I wish I could file a complaint when I see people driving stupid with NOTHING distracting them. They simple cannot drive.

  10. 11:51
    Did the driver pay for your damages?
    Were you made whole?

    Common Law actually works. No need for statutory law.

  11. Revenue.

    Texting happens everyday by almost everyone while driving.

    Stupid Stupid Stupid.

    Just enact laws that create revenue to the real crooks


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