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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Obama Insists Hillary Clinton’s Server Did Not Endanger National Security

President Obama said Sunday that Hillary Clinton showed “carelessness” by using a private email server, but he also strongly defended his former secretary of state, saying she did not endanger national security, while also vowing that an ongoing FBI investigation into the matter will not be tainted by politics.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Obama seemed to prejudge the outcome of the ongoing inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s email scandal, and he disputed the notion that any of the emails contained classified information of true importance.

“She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” he said. “What I also know is that there’s classified and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and then there’s stuff that is being presented to the president, the secretary of state, you may not want going out over the wire.”

More here


  1. And on the other hand, he admits he has no knowledge of what the content of the emails are.

    Hey, BO, you can't have that both ways! You just admitted you have reviewed ALL the emails and NONE were the "classified + classified" kind!

    Which is it?

    Another LIE by Hillary, Obama, and the DNC!

  2. They are lairs begin with.

  3. One lies and the other sticks up for their lies...

    First, the POSPOTUS says I don't know much - then he says it's not classified...which statement is the one I wouldn't want to step in...

    To use his language BOFFUMM!

  4. I don't know what buffumm is. Care ti help us "ignoramuses" out?

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 12, 2016 at 9:20 PM

    I guess Barrack is now the Expert Computer Analyst, SMH. One Lies the other Covers. Are these the DEM PARTY Leaders you all Democrats look up to?!!
    Pathetic Liars and Crooks?!!

  6. His words are a compass...just reverse the needle and you will see the truth.

  7. Of course he did this man apologized to the nation when he got it wrong in Ferguson. I was and still am insulted by the racism and lack of pride this man displays. I have noticed his wife has lost her 15 minutes of fame due to her extreme racism. This President has set this country back fifty years. Time for change.

  8. One lies and the other swears to it!!

  9. "Bofe of dem", 913.

  10. Obama admitted he's not told anything about any FBI investigation and Hillary has insisted she will not be convicted of any crime. Both consistently lie to cover up the others' crimes. This is why we need a non-politician in the WH and term limits in both houses of Congress.

  11. He speaks as though he was her defense attorney.


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