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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

NY Post: Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11 ‘Deliberately Covered up at the Highest Levels of Our Government’

Paul Sperry writes that the “highest levels” of the U.S. government are implicated in a cover-up of Saudi Arabia’s role in the 9/11 attacks, all to preserve diplomatic relations with the oil-rich Islamist nation.

From the New York Post:

In its report on the still-censored “28 pages” implicating the Saudi government in 9/11, “60 Minutes” last weekend said the Saudi role in the attacks has been “soft-pedaled” to protect America’s delicate alliance with the oil-rich kingdom.

That’s quite an understatement.

Actually, the kingdom’s involvement was deliberately covered up at the highest levels of our government. And the coverup goes beyond locking up 28 pages of the Saudi report in a vault in the US Capitol basement. Investigations were throttled. Co-conspirators were let off the hook.



  1. Obama there boy is also covering it up.

  2. Now you know our government would not tell us lies. LOL!!!!!

  3. Bush and Obama both willingly bent over and took it up you know where...all for what?

  4. No duh, had anyone and I mean anyone looked into it and researched it, you would see that saudi's were involved from the start and you will also see they benefit form all of this oil crap...

    Oh but I forgot, you people are to stupid to even breathe for your own selves let alone to actual research into something...

  5. now that we have the largest reserves of oil we should tell them to pound sand and let the public know what really happened and let the lawsuits begin.

  6. They are trying to strengthen the accepted story of what happened that day. Good luck with it. Nobody who seriously looks at the evidence believes the official story. It is a bizzare story indeed.

  7. Another reason to Vote TRUMP, to break this up.


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