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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Mississippi Governor Signs 'Religious Freedom' Bill Into Law

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant has signed a controversial "religious freedom" bill into law.

The legislation, HB 1523, promises that the state government will not punish people who refuse to provide services to people because of a religious opposition to same-sex marriage, extramarital sex or transgender people.

Supporters say it protects the rights of people who are opposed to homosexuality but who now live in a country where same-sex marriage is a legal right.

Opponents say the law amounts to a state sanction for open discrimination.



  1. Opponents say the law amounts to a state sanction for open discrimination.


    It can't be discrimination when same sex marriage is immoral and gay sex is a product of a mental disorder.

  2. Wish Maryland had the same values. Its not discrimmination when it runs counter to your religious beliefs. A muslin store owner could refuse to make a cake with a Christian cross on it and I would not get offened. Its his choice, not mine and I would never force him to do something he doesn't want to. That's just plain narcissism. We all the right to our opinions. Just because mine is not the same as yours does NOT make me a "hater" or "a discrimminator". Get a life.

  3. Last in education and healthcare, biggest taker in federal welfare dollars. Their big worry is the gays?

    1. It's a beginning.

    2. Last in education? ?? You better do some research before you post. But since you live and breed in Salisbury it's understandable! !!!

  4. When your bottom of the barrel guess you have to find someone to look down on to make yourself feel better.

  5. The South will rise again

  6. 8:28. How is that possible when they are always on the wrong side of ever major issue ? Doing the same thing over and over. Insane


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