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Thursday, April 14, 2016

May 18th Rabies Clinic


  1. Now THIS is awesome! Support good things for babies instead of obsessing over puppy mills. Now that the babies are saved, we need to work towards taking care of all fur babies and quit obsessing on humans not worth our time. Let the long arm of the law deal with them.

  2. Yes, the county offered rabies clinics are a great thing and if anyone is going for the first time do not get discouraged at the long lines. They have this down to a science and the line moves so quickly you won't believe it.
    I disagree with not being obsessed over the puppy mill. The only way to make it stop is by the public being obsessed. Look to Pennsylvania as an example. Obsession was an understand and now PA is one of the top 5 states with the strictest laws on the books, VA having the strictest.

  3. 9:48 yes the people who operate puppy mill and the officials who dropped the ball are most certainly worth the time of anyone who truly cares about animals. The problems is HS's and rescues have become Big Business and the workers thrive on these large scale rescues and actually get nervous if they can't find a dog "to pull" from a shelter that euthanizes. The so call "advocates" sometimes have as much as psychological problem as a hoarder and unknown to them a criminal mind like those who operate puppy mills. It makes the "rescuers" feel all warm and fuzzy inside and strokes their egos to be involved esp when publicity is high. The problem is multi faceted and we keep hearing how the animals are the top priority and they aren't worried about the culprits. That's because deep down they want this to continue. They thrive on this. The sound minded person can be concerned about both the animals AND the culprits at the same time and with as much drive.

  4. What has happened here is not obsessing, there are other facilities in the area for cats that need to be checked out as well, and the people operating them.


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