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Monday, April 11, 2016

Mark Levin Blasts Anti-Trump Movement: 'Frauds,' 'Buffoons'

Radio host Mark Levin blasted voters who are so opposed to Donald Trump as a presidential candidate that they would vote for Hillary Clinton, or refuse to vote.

He said those people are "not conservatives," and are "frauds" and "buffoons."

If Trump becomes the Republican candidate, those who do not support him against Hillary Clinton are "asinine," Levin said on his radio show, reported by Real Clear Politics.



  1. As a conservative woman there is no way I will cast a vote for Trump.

    1. As a conservative married couple... We will vote for Trump.

  2. As a conservative there is no way you could ever vote for any Democrat.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 11, 2016 at 1:53 PM

    I don't know about this Mark Levine. Couple days ago he was hating on Trump saying he would never vote for him , saying "You Can Count Me In As NeverTrump". And now he seems to be Walking Back his Own Comment. I guess he realized he spoke too much too soon.

  4. We cannot afford to run Democrats in office anymore...

    Hold your Nose and pull the Republican lever!

  5. The better choice of two evils is still an evil choice.


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