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Monday, April 11, 2016

Justice Dept. Fails to Turn Over All Fast and Furious Docs

The Obama administration failed to adhere to a court-ordered Friday deadline to turn over all subpoenaed documents to Congress about the government's role in the 2009-2011 Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal, prompting immediate complaints from Congress.

"Today, under court order, DOJ turned over some of the subpoenaed documents," House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz said in a statement late Friday. "The committee, however, is entitled to the full range of documents for which it brought this lawsuit. Accordingly, we have appealed the District Court's ruling in order to secure those additional documents."

A U.S. District Court judge had ruled in January that the Obama administration could not claim executive privilege to keep from making these files public. The Justice Department was given another 60 days to turn over the information.

"As we've long asserted, the committee requires and is entitled to these documents. They are critical to the committee's efforts to complete meaningful oversight. The committee has a duty to understand and shine light on what was happening inside DOJ during the time of this irresponsible operation," Chaffetz said.

More here


  1. Never any consequences.

  2. And who, might one ask, would be held responsible, not that Obama gives a damn.

  3. This is the same outfit that will supposedly indite Hitler-y, ya, right.

  4. And who, might one ask, would be held responsible, not that Obama gives a damn.

    That would be the Attorneys General, Holder and Lynch, who have obstructed justice and treated the congressional committee with contempt.

    They should be jailing people till they comply.

  5. And some people wants this administration to appoint Justices to the Supreme Court. This tells you the peoples mentality.

  6. Thank you, commenters for some serious gut wrenching comments that make me afraid, but vigilant and "ready".


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