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Sunday, April 24, 2016

JUST IN: Harriet Tubman to replace Andrew Jackson on $20 bill

Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20, sources tell CNN.

The announcement is expected to come later Wednesday from Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who will also reveal that a montage of leaders from the women's suffrage movement will be added to the back of the $10. A Treasury official confirmed to CNN that Tubman's portrait will appear on the $20.

The redesigned $10 bill is expected to enter circulation by 2020, though it's unclear what the $20's time frame is.

The women pictured on the back of the $10 will be the first to appear on U.S. paper currency in more than 100 years.



  1. Unreal. This country is lost forever.

  2. This is a great thing

  3. This is a perfect choice. Her contributions warrant this honor.

  4. So they chose someone that was breaking the law. I'm not saying what she did was wrong, however it was against the law.

    1. In 1776 many laws were broken, fortunately

  5. Trump WILL not let it happen.

  6. I guess Hilary Clinton will be next!

  7. Why would it be a bad thing? Who really cares who's on or not on a bill? Just be happy that you have a $20.

  8. That will never be enough and there never will be enough to satisfy those who think they are entitled due to slavery. Those families who were linked to slaves are better off today than if their family stayed in their home born country.

  9. Replacing the 7th President of the United States!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!

    If that the case, then we all should have our own money with our faces on it! Scientists that has discovered ways to treat cancer, Our War Veterans that have sacrificed their own lives to help Americans, all the unselfish acts that many Heroic People have done!

    We are losing our core values as Americans!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hope they make plenty of ten dollar bills. I will quit carrying a twenty.

  11. No problem, I will just start keeping ten dollar bills in my wallet.

  12. well that should satisfy the women and the blaxks - killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. now the usa will again be a perfect place.

  13. There are some pretty shameful comments on here. Truth is this is a great choice and has been a long time coming.

    1. Ohh please there where More black slaves owned by blacks in America than whites ,what about the Irish,Chinese? Obama's plan of destruction.

  14. We all knew this. She did nothing for the country as a whole. At the time she was helping the black folks and only the whites helping them. I would bet my life that if she were alive today she would be a BLM member or Panther etc. keeping the sorts of Sharpton as company. This is a disgraceful decision only to appease the mob mentality. Who really could care less. Now the drug dealers can own tubnan collections.

  15. Another over reach by Obama this is being done just to screw with white people who is next a Muslim ?

  16. Trump will over turn it

  17. I will mark every $20 I ever get with swear words and derogatory names on the bill to destroy them. They will get a lot of these bills back for burning, mark my words, the "N" word will be on 90% of them!

  18. Andy Harris likes it. Just released statement.

  19. 2:22 - my plan too!

  20. Well if she can be on a bill, maybe General Robert E Lee can also be put on a bill. After all he was loved by the South and considered a great general!

  21. i thought for sure it would have been Clara Barton, but she didn't really do much

  22. I think it is pretty cool. Whether you realize, accept or understand her history, she was a hero to so many people, black and white. Her legacy actually began right here on the shore.

  23. I'm with 2:22pm
    Agreed what she did was illegal and should not be justify in this way.
    No, I do not agree with slavery, nor do I agree with illegal actions of any kind being justified, whatever the reason

    1. Our nation was founded by men who broke laws! British laws! You are a Tory?

  24. 2:11-Everyone in the US is so spoiled they don't appreciate anything.They'll complain regardless of how much or how little they have.They take everything for granted & would still be ungrateful even if they had a fortune in their pockets.

  25. Haha. I love the comments about people who won't carry $20 bills anymore. Too funny. The same folks who say they won't ever do this or that or go here or there every time their delicate sensibilities are offended by something. I wonder how many actually stay true to their convictions.

    1. lol 2030 it ain't gonna happen fool.

  26. Ironic, remove the last President who paid off the national debt.

    What other problems can we fix that are not real problems?

  27. I will just ask for 2 10s.

  28. lol it ain't gonna happen.

  29. Wait until you see the back of the new 10s!

  30. With the way the value of the dollar worldwide what's that make a 20 worth now an Abe Lincoln

  31. Nothing wrong with this, except they should just create a new bill. It won't matter anyway in a few years when we live in a cashless society.

  32. 4:03 This is from 2:22 and believe me when I say I will hold to my convictions and refuse to carry one of these twenty dollar bills. Fifty's and tens will do just fine.

  33. How politically correct. Next Caitlin will be on the $3 bill.

  34. Yep no more 20,s for me. I shop yard sales and flea markets and 20 bucks always has to be broke down. Give me 5,10, and 1 dollar bills. Really they should have used this her picture for the Ebt card.

    Buy gold and silver. By the time this happens her image and a 20 dollar bill will be worth nothing.

  35. Why even change it to begin with see no need for it

  36. Rosa parks will be next, what will they put her on the hundred ???

  37. Rosa parks on welfare money?

  38. I shall NOT own any 20 dollar bills. 4 5's or 2 10's. Thank you very much. This is just from those legislators with nothing better to do. IDIOTS!

  39. So much hate, not enough love or understanding & certainly not enough God in people's lives. People are so upset about one black person on a piece of paper; white people have been on paper currency & coins forever & you don't hear black people complaining. But yet people project so much hatred by not wanting a $20 bill because a black person is on it. Be careful of your actions & words because your children are watching & listening. And who knows, maybe they will put Mickey Mouse on the next one & I will gladly take it...it all spends the same way.

  40. I will give it back every time it is given to me.

  41. Why not leave things as they are? Do we have to change everything in this country, racism against all whites and our nations history is all being changed, flags, statues, monuments, are we going to re-write history for one race, I thought it was "one country under God, with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". We can no longer be proud of our forefathers. Our parents if they were still living, would never understand this, glad they do not have to endure all that we are subject to endure.

  42. How much Photoshop will be involved with the final rendition? And who in Treasury will be doing the plate design?

  43. States have the right to create their own money.

  44. We will have a cashless society soon anyway.

    1. Exactly the whole race to try and bankrupt this country is part of the orchestration of a world government and currency. This whole changing of the 20 bill is a joke and will mean absolutely nothing

  45. A little lip gloss and some eyeliner and she'll be readily accepted by this generation.

  46. Don`t matter! Just another topic for people in our country on all sides and levels to complain and fuss with each other about! Great for division don`t you think? The elites of our country know every button to keep people divided! While the top 20% of Americans own 85% of the country's wealth and control everything! We on here fussing about dumb stuff, instead of trying to bring each other up! RULE #1 TO CONTROL PEOPLE AND KEEP POWER "KEEP THEM DIVIDED AND IGNORANT" Wake up people!


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