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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Is Donald Trump A Modern Day George Wallace?

Donald Trump's enduring appeal in the Republican presidential contest has the GOP in a quandary, as it's forced to contend with voters fed up with party politics.

Some 50 years ago, another vociferous candidate put the scare in traditional power brokers. George Wallace fired up crowds with a similar anti-establishment message, and drew protests as passionate as are being seen at Trump's rallies today. Wallace also became a face of racial tension in America as the leading symbol for segregation in the 1960s.

When Wallace entered presidential politics in 1964, the then-Alabama governor was famous for declaring, "Segregation now. Segregation tomorrow. And segregation forever."

Wallace allies and family see parallels today in Trump.

"It's just a replay," Charlie Snider, one of Wallace's most trusted political aides, told NPR. "We're looking at a modern-day George Wallace."

Snider is a Trump supporter. Wallace's daughter, a Democrat, hears it, too, but in a different way.

"Trump and my father say out loud what people are thinking but don't have the courage to say," Peggy Wallace Kennedy told NPR. Wallace Kennedy was 18 when she was on the campaign trail with her father in 1968. She believes Trump is exploiting voters' worst instincts, the way her late father once did.

"They both were able to adopt the notion that fear and hate are the two greatest motivators of voters that feel alienated from government," she said.



  1. That's a big stretch.

  2. You may laugh, but this separate but equal was a whole lot better.
    This is what they want too, they reclassify themselves as a special "American", they want special treatment in hiring and job advancement. They want special treatment in admissions exams for college. They name their kids "Special" names that set them apart from the mainstream. They change their cars, their dress, hairstyles, all to be different than us.
    People that want to be "America" acclimate into society, and become Americanized. We all know this is true, if you just look around you. Not being PC to point the truth out, but it is the truth.

  3. I remenber listing directly to George Wallace and there is NO comparison to be made between the two! It's hard to believe that anyone could possibly be this wrong, unless they are deliberate liars!

    Oh, snap! This is Democrats on NPR...

  4. Is Hillary the next Hitler both their names start with H.

  5. Wallace was a Democrat.

  6. We could only be so fortunate if this was true!!!! Good point 12:56!

  7. 12:56 got this correct!

    My Russian friends don't say they are "Russian Americans" and named their new baby "Thomas" not Demetri or Michal, they drive a regular SUV, not with giant rims, and giant speakers. They want the American dream, and be Americans.


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