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Thursday, April 21, 2016

IRS Is Rehiring Employees Fired for Misconduct

(CNSNews.com) - House Republicans are aiming at the Internal Revenue Service this week, taking up four bills to ensure integrity in hiring and better customer service.

"We have recently learned...that IRS employees that have been fired for misconduct have been rehired" in the last several years, Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) told a news conference on Tuesday.

"Now some of this may involve falsifying documents -- they failed to pay their own taxes. They may have been fired for accessing sensitive taxpayer information without permission. In fact, one employee had missed up to eight weeks of work without permission, had actually stamped on their personnel file, 'Do not rehire' -- and the IRS chose to rehire them."

Noem said Congress gave the IRS an opportunity to address the issue, and "they have stated that their policies are fine and are currently working for them."



  1. MLK to be on the $5 bill,

  2. As if there aren't honest people who would like to have those jobs...


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