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Saturday, April 30, 2016

I want all the perks of maternity leave — without having any kids

Meghann Foye, 38, was jealous of co-workers clocking out for maternity leave, and decided she needed a break of her own. Here, the author of the novel “Meternity” (Mira, out now), tells The Post’s Anna Davies why she believes every woman deserves mandated “me time.”

I was 31 years old in 2009, and I loved my career. As an editor at a popular magazine, I got to work on big stories, attend cool events, and meet famous celebs all the time.

And yet, after 10 years of working in a job where I was always on deadline, I couldn’t help but feel envious when parents on staff left the office at 6 p.m. to tend to their children, while it was assumed co-workers without kids would stay behind to pick up the slack.

“You know, I need a maternity leave!” I told one of my pregnant friends. She laughed, and we spent the afternoon plotting my escape from my 10-hour days, fake baby bump and all.



  1. Saw the article yesterday. Self-centered crap!

  2. While I agree that it's wrong to pass off extra work on the people who don't children, this is a step too far. Just selfish, and manipulative to actually exploit the look of being pregnant because you're selfish?

  3. Well I know I'm going to get beat up for this comment, but women for the most part should not be in the workforce. Then We wouldn't be having so many problems. However in this day and age a single family income doesn't work. But the family suffers, the children are neglected and this is why we have many of our social problems. I truly believe that if the mother stayed home to raise the children and the man went to work. We would have alot lot less problems. it's just unfortunate that the economics and morality of our society no longer support this.

  4. I am a woman and I think the while maternity leave for both mothers and fathers is what is selfish. You are either a mother or an employee. Having a baby, taking a month or two off then dropping the baby off at a sitters makes no sense. They say it is so the baby can "bond." How stupid. So the baby "bonds" w/ the parents for a month or 2 then they dump them off and the child then spend most of their time w/someone else. If they should be "bonding" w/anyone it is the sitter who ends up spending a good part of the time w/the child.

  5. Totally agree 7:18. The breakdown of the tradition family with traditional roles is the major cause of society's social problems.
    While I know anything is possible we have 4 generations in our family and most of the mothers could stop working to stay home until the children went into 1st grade. They planned and saved money before having children. So far we have no criminals, no drugs and responsible young adults who have goals and are serious. We do have a mother who is a teacher but the grandparents watch the child when the parents are working which is a commitment on their part but they do it happily secure in knowing they are (hopefully) helping in raising another generation of self sufficient productive member of society.

  6. Can you believe we have one of these running for president of the U.S. ! unbelievable!

  7. is Hillary pregnant? her ankles look swollen


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