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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hoyer Okay with Biological Men Using Women’s Restrooms

(CNSNews.com) – House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said on Tuesday that people “ought to be able to use the restroom of the gender they identify with.”

CNSNews.com asked Hoyer at his weekly meeting with reporters at the U.S. Capitol: “There has been a great deal of controversy lately about North Carolina’s bathroom law. Do you believe that biological males should be allowed to use the ladies’ room in federal facilities and parks around the country?”

Hoyer did not directly answer the yes or no question, but instead stated his “position” on the issue.

“Look, I think the position we’ve taken is clear that people ought to be able to use the restroom of the gender they identify with. That’s been our position,” Hoyer said. “It’s still our position.”

More here


  1. God Almighty! Aren't there more important things to worry about than who uses which bathroom?

  2. Not to Hoyer and the rest of the democrats Queensgirl. I've been saying it over and over and over. Democrats are horrid putrid people. There isn't a good democrat alive who is even a half way decent person and this includes both the politicians and the voters. They are liars, perverts, and just all around filthy nasty people.

  3. 614, You forgot to say that they absolutely refuse to concern themselves with any of their Constituents' concerns on important international and transnational matters. They are too busy playing with their penises at work.

  4. Thank democrats for this madness.

  5. Trump said same thing! Google it. Nearly all children that are sexually abused by someone known to them - relative/family friend/teacher/coach/priest. Not a stranger in a public bathroom.

  6. QueenGirl,
    A man in the ladies room isn't important to you?

  7. out with Steny...

  8. The problem is its either what the democrats or the republicans want, not what the people want. He must have his daughter egging him on this one.

  9. Trump has the same position as Hoyer on this matter. Guess he is pivoting to the general election already.

  10. Mark my words. Trump will be not much different than any other president. They all make huge campaign promises and rarely ever deliver on most of them. Is he better than the rest of the field, yes. We are not electing a monarch with absolute power. He will still need the cooperation of Congress to get most of what he has promised done.

  11. 911 please quit placating yourself like you know something. He is not going to be like the president's we've had since Reagan. Not in any way shape or form. Suggestion. Do a bit more reading up on him. Most would have kicked his campaign manager to the curb while throwing him under the proverbial bus. He's loyal to people. His friendships are long and after the RNC gives up their temper tantrum they'll realize the people will no longer tolerate the garbage that's permeated our world since Bush Sr took office.

  12. Isn't Bush Sr. the one that said "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then raised taxes a few years later?

    Maybe you miss it in the wording, I am voting for Trump but also realize the reality of how Washington works. The country is not a corporation where Trump can walk in and say do this or you are fired. It does not work like that. I am hopeful that he can get some of what he promises done but you are delusional if you think there will be a wall between the US and Mexico in 2017 or 2018, everyone can start carrying guns, welfare is going to end or Nike is going to open a manufacturing plant on the eastern shore or even in the US.

    1. 955. I didn't miss it but I don't believe that Trump has the character to go back on his word as to him it denotes failure. He doesn't like failing. Yes it was Bush Sr that said this. You're speaking to someone. Who doesn't believe we've had a real president since Reagan. Didn't like either Bush and as for Clinton and Obama we're not eve.mn going there but I'm sure you gather what I'm saying on those two.

  13. Hoyear is one himself. Loves to play dress up! !! Him and Pukeluski!!

  14. I expect no less from our leftist Maryland Rep.

  15. 9:59
    The position that i come from is that both parties don't really give a flying donut about us. There aren't any people on the eastern shore that have any real money other than the Perdue family. They are listed #86 in the US with $3.2 billion. One of the Koch brothers has a home across the intracoastal from mine. #6 on the list with a net worth of $49.6 billion. BTW, he is a very nice person and most people would ever know who he is or what he is worth because he treats everyone equally and with respect.

    Trump is the best choice, but it is unlikely that he can change the way politics has worked since 1776.

  16. So say for example a woman or girl has been the victim of assault by a male, how are they going to feel seeing a male enter what is supposed to be a private space. It does not matter how that male identifies. No way for anyone to know that. I am sorry if a trans person feels uncomfortable, but it isn't all about them and their feelings. There is a much bigger picture. Note, I am not saying that trans people are a threat or will hurt someone. But others pretending to be, could be, as well as the feelings of women.

  17. This is exactly what the liberal Democratic party has turned into. You can bet what conservatives, such as my family, is left will register as an Independent or Republican.

  18. 4/21 at 7/19 p.m.: I'm pretty sure that there have been more arrests of pervy business owners and managers for planting cameras in women's bathrooms than of fake transgender men hanging out in women's bathrooms hoping to see something or commit a rape. I'm willing to take my chances.

  19. Another liberal idiot.

  20. Democrats have no issue with child molestation or rape of our women.

  21. Why is it that the party of civil liberties fails to acknowledge the mistreatment of minorities by our criminal justice system, but is willing to waiver when it comes to ridiculously demands of the LGBT mafia?
    You can't recognize mistreatment of people based on the characteristics they are born with but you will placate a noisy group of sexually confused children that only make up 1% of the population?

  22. Public safety should always come first. Opening women's restrooms to men will allow predators easy access to vulnerable females.


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