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Monday, April 18, 2016

Hollywood Liberal Runs for Congress, This INSANE Statement Should Haunt Her

Democratic congressional candidate Melissa Gilbert on Wednesday disavowed televised comments she made in 2009 that attempts to sentence filmmaker Roman Polanski for the 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl were “excessive.”

The Hollywood actress who relocated to Howell to run for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District discussed Polanski’s sentence on “The View” talk show in 2009 as U.S. authorities were trying to get him extradited from Switzerland to serve prison time he evaded three decades earlier.

“I think the punishment at this point may be excessive — I don’t know, that’s just my opinion,” Gilbert said.

Gilbert was part of “The View” panel debating Polanski’s conviction for drugging, raping and sodomizing Samantha Geimer after the 13-year-old girl posed for Polanski during a magazine photo shoot her mother allowed inside the Los Angles home of actor Jack Nicholson.

Source: Detroit News


  1. Will not watch the view. Anyone know if she was challenged on this position. I guess is no!

  2. Challenged on the view??? LMAO!! The only thing challenged are the hosts!!!


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