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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hillary Campaign Vows to Tell the Truth...About WHAT?!

After decades of evasion and heated debate, the Clinton campaign is finally promising to come clean and tell the truth.

But not about Benghazi, or emails, or illegal donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary is going to honest about space aliens.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign says the American people can "handle the truth" when it comes to hearing about evidence of alien life, and hinted that answers may lie in Area 51.

Speaking about the notorious Area 51 Air Force base, long rumored to harbor secret government information about alien life, John Podesta said that Clinton, if elected president, would push for transparency.

"She'll ask for as many records as the United States federal government has to be declassified, and I think that's a commitment she intends to keep and that I intend to hold her to," Podesta told CNN's Jake Tapper. That echoed comments Clinton made in January, when she said she would look into the issue of UFOs, and that she would "get to the bottom of it."

Source: AAN


  1. Didn't she have an alien diplomat attached to her staff when she was SecState? If not, there's nothing to tell.

  2. Hey, look! A squirrel!

    On NO! It's a UFO!

    What Benghazi? What email server?

    Elect MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You can smell how desperate she is getting.


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