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Friday, April 29, 2016

Gov. Hogan Says He’s Still Waiting For ‘Thank You’ From Mayor SRB

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — Governor Larry Hogan had a few words for outgoing Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake on Thursday.

During remarks in Washington, Hogan said he’s still waiting for a “thank you” from Rawlings-Blake for “saving the city” during rioting last spring.

According to our media partner, The Baltimore Sun, Hogan said rioters “all went scurrying home” at his overwhelming show of force.

Gov. Hogan sent in the National Guard last April to address the growing violence and unrest in the city.



  1. She didn't want it saved she wanted it destroyed so they would put up New housing kinda like here in the Bury.

  2. don't hold your breath Gov.

  3. This summer when it's round two of the riots let baltimore BURN.

  4. Governor Hogan, please do not hold your breath until you get that Thank You. Don't really think it's ever going to happen.

  5. That POS won't admit that they needed or got help....it doesn't fit their 'victim' agenda!

  6. People of Maryland stand behind you, not her. "Good bye, don't let the door hit you in the @ss", is all we want from her.

  7. She'll never apologize for anything, she's too uppity upper

  8. Wait until this summer and the real riots hit ,gov sit back with popcorn and wait for her to BEG on national tv for Helpppppppppp

  9. Well, dream on sir. Don't you know that's something you will probably never hear. Just because of who she is. Certainly not beholding to anyone such as yourself.


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