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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due: Donald Trump's plane arrives at Salisbury Airport


  1. A perfect landing. Trump can pick a pilot. I wonder who he will pick for his running mate?

    1. If he wants to Piss off dems he should put in a woman VP.

  2. The coverage of the plane by WBOC was good. Leaving the speech for Survivor - not so much!

  3. I think WBOC was under a contractual agreement to cut to the network programming. Regardless of that, this was the coolest thing ever!!

  4. I was trying to watch this last night. If you notice at the 1:43 mark the video cuts out. I wanted to see how much runway was left once the plane was stopped. They said it was the largest plane that had ever landed at the airport. Of course just like the rest of the night the signal was horrible.

  5. I still can't believe he came to the eastern shore!! How awesome!!

  6. 8:12-I am not aware of any CBS affiliates locally other than WBOC,so that would reinforce their decision to cut Trump off.Anything else that was on TV last night paled in comparison.

  7. Anyway you slice it; it was an awesome event in our neck of the woods! All political viewpoints aside.

  8. Concept called 'equal time'

  9. Trump surrounds himself with the best people, including his pilot. Perfect landing. Perfect.

  10. I thought he or she burned too much runway on entry.

  11. 8:12 PM Really? They can hog the airwaves when it comes to fake weather emergencies but not historic events?

    To cut to survivor was an insult to the community.

    I call BS on the statement, and my proof is the tone and attitude they have when they "comment" on Trump news.

    Who ever set up the youtube feed, thank you

  12. If Trump wants a victory he should consider Kasick or Rubio and get the support of their delegates.

  13. 8:12 - FCC requires broadcast of Nat'l Weather Service issued warnings, such as a tornado. WBOC is regulated by the FCC. Like it, or hate it, they have to follow those rules so as not to be fined.

  14. Trump should make Ben Carson or Allen West VP.


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