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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Gay Mafia ‘More Powerful than the NRA,’ Warns North Carolina Governor

The embattled governor of North Carolina says the anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign is more powerful than the National Rifle Association, which is arguably the most powerful issue group in the United States.

Republican Governor Pat McCrory tells NBC that the powerful gay group has “…millions of dollars, which makes me want overturn [Citizens] United, because I don’t know who their donors are, either. But they are putting on a lot of pressure, instead of having a good dialogue.”

McCrory said, “I don’t think the government should be telling the private sector what their restroom and shower law should be, to allow a man into a woman’s restroom or shower facility at a YMCA, for example.”

McCrory is under continued assault from a highly organized and very rich coterie of homosexual organizations and their friends in business and the entertainment world for his defense of women and girls who do not want biological men urinating and showering with them.

PayPal canceled an expansion into Charlotte. Bruce Springsteen cancelled a concert, as did Ringo Starr. The NBA is threatening to pull the All-Star Game. And dozens of other major corporations have complained about the law.

Transsexual advocates cast the issue as one of discrimination, that biological men have a right to urinate and shower with biological women and girls. The Detroit Free Press this week editorialized that it is a violation of their Constitutional rights not to be allowed in girls’ bathrooms and showers.

More here


  1. Paypal is a convenience we can do without. Stop using them. Bruce Springsteen is only hurting his fans and himself. The NBA is a joke. If the pressure is to much then take your weak will and roll out Gov. Where are YOUR principles? Do you have principles? All I see from gays and the like are a bunch of unprincipled jerks that want an anything goes policy. I for one do not want to live in society with no rules.

  2. Let them all leave. Do not be threatened by the group or the boycotts. You will get plenty of support from people with appropriate morals. This discussion is insanity.

  3. Appropriate morals? That is the funniest thing I've read all day.

  4. I cancelled PayPal, and am looking through my Constitution and Bill of Rights for where it says anything about giving any one small percent of Society the right to impose their beliefs on the other 99%. I'm having trouble finding anything.

    Can anyone help me out here?

    The 13th actually outlaws such things.#9 is just as relevant. Nowhere is this subject addressed. So, the "unconstitutional?" claim is moot.

    So, entertainers cancelling shows will make no money, and the NBA is 22 guys running back and forth for 3 hours and the score is 100 to 100. See Ya!

    The good people of North and South Carolina will happily stay and caress their traditional lifestyle without the intrusion of the "million dollar flamers".


  5. 5:59 and 6:16, I totally agree. Chic Filet held to the moral high ground and were rewarded with a lot more business and support. If NC holds the moral high ground,God will bless them.

  6. Totally agree 7:16...never give into the low life traveling on the low road.

  7. How come all of these performers can refuse to perform but yet a religious baker cannot refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple. What is the difference. The baker is refusing because of their religious beliefs. The performers are refusing because of their "LGBT" beliefs. How come they aren't sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars like the baker?

  8. I keep wondering who will claim responsibility when some woman or girl is raped or worse in a restroom by someone proclaiming to be transgender.

  9. Supporters more than likely haven't read the fine details of the law. Who would send their child to a restroom knowing some sexual pervert can go in also.


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