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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Fruitland Little League Opening Day 2016... 134 Views, (Light It Up)


  1. Great looking field. Hope there are copies of videos to pass around as there are good memories for these little sluggers to watch in the future

  2. Hometown Pride at its Best... God Bless the USA......and Little League...... Beautiful Memories! For All!

  3. Robin that is not hometown pride. That Patrick that made this video is a redneck that always argues with the umpires and other coaches. The only reason he is still there is because they can't get anyone to coach so your child is left with people like him.

  4. It used to be players could play and be proud to be on a team and parents cheered on the bleachers. Now there's so much bickering, few want to watch anymore.

  5. 60th year. Congrats to Fruitland.

  6. Should have been a newspaper story. 60 years is a long time.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Should have been a newspaper story. 60 years is a long time.

    April 11, 2016 at 10:16 AM

    Who cares. Their leadership is piss poor. As long as Scott Underwood and some of the others are on the Board of Directors my kids won't play there and I won't coach. He is the biggest jerk I have ever seen. Ironically no one likes him, but he keeps getting elected president because no one else wants the job. Scott do everyone a favor and resign.

  8. @April 11, 2016 at 6:51 AM

    I think you may have him confused with someone else. He has not coached in over 2 years but I'm sure he loved making the video and supporting Fruitland Little League. As far as being a redneck, well your are entitled to your opinion and it is simply that, an opinion. I'm sorry you felt the need to take something positive and try to turn it into a negative. Take care and enjoy the rest of the season.

  9. 12:38 PM you are 100% correct. No one in the league likes Scott Underwear. He is very egotistical and refuses to work things out. My team had a complaint him and his decision making or lack there of Saturday, Opening Day and he went on the attack instead of trying to resolve some concerns with the parents.

    Why would President Scott Underwear make a decision to only allow Majors and Minor play their games on Saturday for Opening Ceremonies when the younger teams had to come back on Sunday. That made absolutely no sense. Little League staff had to come back the very next day and many of us had already made plans for Saturday. He should have called Saturday off altogether instead of making half come back. We go screwed out of our chicken dinners that we were forced to buy. Some didn't go back on Saturday so they tried to sell them again and make more money on them. I am telling you Scott Underwear is a joke and needs to resign. He is the main reason the number of players have gone down the last 3 years. Yes gone down. He is also allowing Billy Atkinson and Fruitland Force to use the fields, tools as well as other supplies and concession stands at a profit and this is against Little League Rules. They were complained on last year and they are doing it again this year. If we complain again this year Mr. Underwear will try to kick all the players on our team out of the league. He is that vindictive.


  10. Wrong. My son and I left after he kept wanting to fight with everyone. He is a lose so I do remember him coaching 2 years ago and wanting to fight everyone then. DUH! Now he is trying to suck up, but it won't work with me.
    April 12, 2016 at 6:41 AM

    Sounds like you have some personal issues. Why do you have to be so angry about life? Are you the same one trying to start crap with FLL and Jay D a few weeks ago? Sounds like you are the aggressive one, not the individual who took their own time to try and do something positive for the community. Let me ask you something, have you ever done anything for the league? Volunteer? Or is your goal simply to try and put someone down because you are unhappy with yourself?

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wrong. My son and I left after he kept wanting to fight with everyone. He is a lose so I do remember him coaching 2 years ago and wanting to fight everyone then. DUH! Now he is trying to suck up, but it won't work with me.
    April 12, 2016 at 6:41 AM

    Sounds like you have some personal issues. Why do you have to be so angry about life? Are you the same one trying to start crap with FLL and Jay D a few weeks ago? Sounds like you are the aggressive one, not the individual who took their own time to try and do something positive for the community. Let me ask you something, have you ever done anything for the league? Volunteer? Or is your goal simply to try and put someone down because you are unhappy with yourself?

    April 12, 2016 at 8:32 AM

    NO Patrick. My son was on your team and no one liked you. You always argued with everyone and wanted to fight everyone. You redneck punk.

  12. I agree, Scott Underwear needs to resign immediately. Get rid of those peanut butter stains.

  13. Vince Lewis is my hero!

  14. Scott Underwood did a great job for opening day the weather was not suitable but he made the right decision to move the games to Sunday. Keep your ignorant complaints to your self or go to the league and tell them how you feel not gossip about it over the internet. Maybe if you stepped up and volunteer like little league is supposed to be we wouldn't have this problem


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