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Friday, April 08, 2016

Franchot, Hogan protest after Maryland legislature overrules school AC rule

Gov. Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot were fuming Wednesday that theGeneral Assembly has barred school systems from spending state tax money on portable air conditioners.

The General Assembly also put an end to the annual "beg-a-thon," in which local school superintendents appear before the Board of Public Works to ask for more construction money.

Hogan said the provisions were major reasons he decided not to sign the capital budget bill, where lawmakers made both changes. The bill will become law without his signature.

"It's one of the most absurd and ridiculous things I've ever seen the legislature do," Hogan said.



  1. if the schools keep playing games and trying to get new schools while not utilizing good sense options I am all in favor of an education revenue cap!

  2. They want more money for brand new schools enough said. They will do what ever it takes to get them.

  3. The money that is spent on these new schools are rediculous!! Walk through one of the schools during the day and see what's going on and what these teachers have to deal with. The can't look at them wrong or talk to them wrong or touch them. Most of them need there ass's beat. Welcome to what the left has made this world!! These kids run these schools now and the state or local school board are afraid to do anything about it.

    Here's an idea!! Instead of building these big elaborate schools they should build them like prisons. That way it's a reminder of where they don't want to spend the rest of there life!! Hell you can lock some of the with parents them since they think it's other people's responsibility to raise the hoodlums!!

  4. Drop public education all together. it's a total disaster and has no place in our society. Vouchers/ private schools and home schooling. they aren't learning anything in P.Education now. just look at what walks down Truitt street! Rape at Bennett. That's your tax dollars at work!


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