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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Former CO GOP Chair: Message We're Sending Is "Your Vote Doesn't Matter And Your Voice Doesn't Count"

Former Colorado state Republican party chairman Ryan Call talked to Laura Ingraham today to explain the delegation-selection process works and how it "cuts out any semblance of democracy or the popular will." Call said the statewide convention that chooses the delegates reinforces all the worst stereotypes of the party.

"The very time we should be opening up our doors and being more open and transparent, and welcoming people into our Party, we’ve essentially made the decision to close it off and make it more cumbersome and more difficult. And, to prevent the ability of people to have their voice heard in this process. You’re reinforcing all of the very worst stereotypes about the Party and I, frankly, am very concerned about the way voters are going to feel," Call told Ingraham.

Transcript, via Laura Ingraham Show:

Ingraham: The August 25th announcement that they would no longer do the presidential preference poll at their caucus, my spidey-senses went up when that happened. Was I correct to, at the time, note that this was a sign that they were not going to be bound by the people of Colorado selecting Trump. If that was a risk, they wanted to cut that off at the pass in August. Am I correct in stating that?

Call: That’s exactly right. While the caucus votes we’ve held in previous elections in 2008 and 2012 were always straw polls, they didn’t bind or allocate the delegations. They at least were a snapshot into where voter sentiment is in the state of Colorado, and the decision by the state Republican Party to cancel that vote taken in connection with the caucus really did cut out any semblance of democracy or the popular will in connection with the delegate election event. It became an entire party insiders game with getting delegates to go to county assemblies in the state convention. While Colorado has over a million registered Republican voters, the only votes that really counted were that of the 3,900 delegates that gathered down in Colorado Springs.


  1. Correct! The Colorado RNC has dissed any voting for a candidate, decided on who will be the presidential candidate, and told Trump supporters that Trump, who was a bonafide Republican Candidate, will NOT be allowed on the ballot in November.

    Votes do not count, unless they are from the certain "members" of the RNC.

    Sounds like a Dictatorship to me.

  2. We'll see if that trend continues. Voters all over the country are pretty ticked. Election reform is something desperately needed now as we see this clearer than ever before. GOP's brazen move has certainly put them in the crosshairs and definitely ousted their dirty tricks to the world now. They hated one candidate so much, the exposed themselves.

  3. This why we need to dump the Electoral College thing.

  4. "We, the people" are, thanks to Trump, getting a bird's eye view of the corrupt, back door dealing, behind the scenes king-making efforts that are normally carefully hidden from us. NOW, you can really see that they do not care what you think or want. THEY will pick the next President and you can go to hell.
    If it wasn't for the wrench thrown into the process by Trump (the ONLY ONE not already bought and paid for), we would be arguing over (and thinking it made a difference) over which political hack we liked, not knowing (as we do now) that its a game being played upon the American people.
    Your "vote" is next to worthless. Its like asking your kid to pick dinner. He pick burgers and fries but you KNOW its not good for him, so YOU pick steak and potatoes. The kid feels like he had a choice when he really didn't....
    10:26 is ABSOLUTELY correct. That scam on the American electorate is a criminal conspiracy to defraud the people. But it remains because it serves the purpose of the elite.
    R E V O L U T I O N.
    These leeches need to be pulled off and uh, um, uh .....disposed of....
    Just like Jefferson said.
    Did I just make ANOTHER government list??? lol


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