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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Former Baltimore police commissioner breaks his silence

WASHINGTON --One year ago Wednesday, Baltimore erupted in riots after the funeral of Freddie Gray, an African-American man whose neck was mysteriously broken while in custody in a police van.

The police commissioner, Anthony Batts, was later fired. Since that moment, he has maintained his silence -- until now.

When the rioting began, Batts remembered wondering why his officers were reacting so slowly.

"I was clinching my fists and gritting my teeth and saying, 'Move, go! Go!" Batts told CBS News.



  1. He says he is responsible , who is paying him off? These animals caused millions of dollars worth of damage and wounded people and officers. 1 year later we are suppose to forget or be content , I don't think so. I believe this is the straw that has broke the camels back. We , the American people , cannot tolerate this crap anymore.
    We have a judicial system , at least what is left of one . If you commit a crime then you should pay , whether you are a law enforcement officer or a thug such as these partial humans.

  2. So, he thinks his story will change history? "Stand down & give them room to act out" was all over the news, and now that never happened?

    RIIIIGHT! Okay.

    1. Could you provide a link to a video with that complete quote? I remember hearing her say that nonsense about "giving them room to destroy" but I don't recall her saying the exact words "stand down" as you have quoted.

  3. Yeah, that's what I meant, to destroy. Sorry for the misquote, but I hope you get the point.

    He's not there to "Break silence", he's just decided to stand up and lie to us.

  4. "The trials of the accused officers resume next month. Late last year, the first one ended in a mistrial"

    And the trials and subsequent retrial of the 6 officers will end in outright acquittals or hung juries. God is on the side of good and He will put honest righteous jurors on the juries. Evil will not win and God will punish every single person who has persecuted or spoken against these 6 innocent officers. He has a special place in hell already picked out for the BLM crowd where they will rot for eternity after all the flesh is melted off their filthy bodies. God is already punishing them here on earth by all the black on black murders occurring. God doesn't like their ugliness. Each violent death sanctions and sent by Him to teach an evil people their lesson. Too bad they aren't getting it even when a child is innocently killed.

  5. 12:30 funny how you have that all figured out from the comfort of your computer desk. Who needs evidence or a jury anyway with great folks like you?

  6. LIAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Protecting his women still. She would never say publically to stand down. That was said in a briefing. They allowed the city to burn. I wonder how many would have died if they faught back. I do not know who the winners and losers are here. We would have started a civil war if we stood our ground against these thugs. Maybe that would have been a good thing in the long run.


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