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Friday, April 08, 2016

Formal Investigation Requested Into Mismanaged Adoption of Military Dogs

A congressman is calling for an investigation into the mismanagement of the adoption process for military dogs.

Rep. Richard Hudson (R., N.C.) sent a letter to the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee asking for a formal investigation into adoption procedures for dogs from the Tactical Explosive Detector Dog program. Allegations that former handlers looking to adopt the dogs are being overlooked while the dogs are being sold to civilian families instead have cast shadows over the adoption process.

Both the Office of Provost Marshal General, which oversaw the adoptions, and K2 Solutions, which housed the dogs during the process, have come under scrutiny for their role in the program.

“This problem came to my attention a year and a half ago when I helped reunite Specialist Brent Grommet and his military working dog Matty who were separated after being wounded overseas,” Rep. Hudson said in his letter. “Since then, my office has been contacted by countless veterans who have described the mismanagement of the program. Our veterans selflessly put themselves in harm’s way with their military working dogs, yet too many of them are now separated because of hollow promises from our government. They deserve answers, and it’s for this reason that I am requesting the House Armed Services Committee to launch a formal inquiry into the adoptions of these combat dogs.”

More here


  1. I hope this matter is taken care of.
    These men deserve to have the dogs
    they worked with AND The dogs deserve
    to be able to stay with them!!

  2. Our gov't don't care about our citizens, let it alone these precious dogs.

  3. This is simply reprehensible. We don't take care of our citizens, our elderly, our poor, or our sick, our veterans or even their dogs. So who is getting taken care of? Answer: The politicians who are sitting in their ivory tower, illegal immigrants who support our corrupt politicians and our enemies ! What's wrong with this picture besides everything?


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