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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

FASCISM: Dayton Mayor BANS Travel to North Carolina, Mississippi…

One of the greatest ideas of the United States of America is how, as a people, we can live together in relative harmony even if we disagree with each other. At least that was the general idea the Founding Fathers had all the way back in 1776. Problem is, old Ben Franklin and Tommy Jefferson didn’t realize that one day, men dressing as women would want to use the girls’ potties. But that’s what you get with a bunch of white guys just sitting around thinking about silly things like “freedom.” Jerks.

In a move we can only call fascism, the esteemed mayor of Dayton, Ohio has banned city-employee travel to North Carolina and Mississippi. Because, you know, those states say if you were born with a penis, you’ll need to use the bathroom with the urinals.

In the memo, Mayor Whaley argues that the travel ban is in the best interest of Dayton – that the goals of the city and commission are best served by living according to their values:

“Ensuring individuals are free from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is a compelling government interest and an important value of the City of Dayton. Policies of the City of Dayton should be in alignment with the Ordinances of the City of Dayton and priorities established by the Dayton City Commission.”

Reminder to Mayor Whaley: the USA is a representative republic. It is not a dictatorship. She’s an elected official. She is not the Duchess who gets to write edicts to tell her serfs where they can and cannot travel.

Yet she unilaterally decided what was in the best interest for the city of Dayton. That employees wishing to travel to North Carolina or Mississippi cannot travel there. Why? Because apparently this is hate speech:



  1. Just cancelled PayPal.

  2. Will they reprimand the employeesame who come from those states?

  3. Nobody from NC or MS has gone to Dayton in a 100 years anyway. It's the armpit of the midwest, what a crap town.

  4. I wonder what the penalty is for me going to visit my parents there this weekend?

  5. Worked and lived in the Dayton area for a major corporation for 11 years prior to moving to the shore. I watched the inner city tank like most liberal run communities. Ever here of the Peter Principle (no pun intended)?

  6. I know! How about everyone in other states ban going to Ohio!!!

  7. I can't wait for my North Carolina vacation this summer.

  8. I'm telling ya----the hanging list is getting to be a bit cumbersome....there are SO many wanna-be kings, dictators, thought-police, "I know what's best for you" busybodies, and budding socialists that we may need to outsource for rope supplies.
    Would there be a quicker way to get the job done, I wonder???
    Keep cheering this "if my feelings are hurt, we need a strong law and severe punishment to make sure my emotions are never challenged" down-the-rabbit-hole reality that has sunk into our culture.

  9. The south has always been better off without Yankees.


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