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Friday, April 29, 2016

Donald Trump Won Millennial Vote in Pennsylvania and Maryland

The Republican frontrunner is starting to win over millennials

Donald Trump scored big with millennial voters Tuesday, according to an analysis of exit poll data.

More than 150,000 young Republicans voted in Pennsylvania, and 52% of them cast their ballots for Trump, giving him his biggest win among 18 to 29-year-olds in any state so far, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement. Trump also landed a victory in Maryland, winning 33% of young voters there in a narrow victory over Ted Cruz.

Trump does not normally have a high level of support among millennials and neither does Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, who regularly loses among that age group to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Young voters are turning out to the polls in unprecedented numbers this primary season and set records in Maryland and Connecticut on Tuesday, CIRCLE found.



  1. smart college kids are very rare,but the ones with common seance don't want to pass there $$$ dept to there future children.

  2. Is the transition to "specialized training" seriously worth it in the long run? Many have not yet noticed,but specialized training has all but eliminated individual creativity.Personal innovation ceases to exist in a controlled environment,because the sole purpose has become learning the technology and systems created by others as opposed to creating anything on their own.My goal in life will never be to simply maintain the ingenuity of others.

  3. Yeah - just a few short years ago, the kids were in the tank for Obama, too. The similarities are striking.


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