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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc. Outstanding Chicken Grower

James Brunk - Brunk's Birds near Salisbury, Maryland is operated by James Brunk. James has been growing broilers for the past 10 years, about 3 1/2 years with Tyson Foods. Prior to growing broilers, James was a breeder grower with Tyson. James' dad grew chickens and he always enjoyed working with the birds and the lifestyle farming allowed. He began his operation with four chicken houses and now operates seven houses and produces about 196,000 birds per flock. Brunk's Birds is a family business with James' wife, daughter, brother, and sister each helping out part time. A family friend also is available to assist in busiest times. In addition to the chickens, James builds, delivers, and sets up feed bins for the Kingston Construction Company. James and wife Sandra are active in the Salisbury Mennonite Church where they serve as youth sponsors. The Brunks have one daughter, 10-year old Katelyn. Like most of his fellow award recipients, James feels that "attention to details" is the key to his success.

The Brunk's Birds farm near Salisbury, Maryland, growing birds for Tyson Foods, was named an outstanding chicken grower at the April 20 Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. Booster Banquet. Shown are James and Sandra Brunk and daughter Katelyn. They were among 12 farm families honored at the banquet.


  1. ...a picture really is worth a thousand odd words.

  2. Nothing odd about mennonites. Hard working people that live uncomplicated lives. They may not be hip or trendy but their child is not the one being disrespectful or disruptive in school or anywhere else. They won't be the parents getting called by the police that their child had negative contact with law enforcement. Very sad that someone would post anything negative about good people however it seems that is a common theme to this blog.

    I'm not a fan of "big chicken" but congratulations on working hard and being recognized for doing so!

  3. 9:47 what is your point? I hope that glass that your house is made out of is strong

  4. Anonymous said...
    Nothing odd about mennonites. Hard working people that live uncomplicated lives. They may not be hip or trendy but their child is not the one being disrespectful or disruptive in school or anywhere else. They won't be the parents getting called by the police that their child had negative contact with law enforcement. Very sad that someone would post anything negative about good people however it seems that is a common theme to this blog.

    I'm not a fan of "big chicken" but congratulations on working hard and being recognized for doing so!

    April 21, 2016 at 10:09 PM

    I agree with you that there is nothing wrong with these good people, maybe a little different, but very good people.

    I am for big chicken so get over yourself. It's not "big chicken" that you are not a fan of it's the fact that you don't want any chicken houses in or near your neighborhood. Guess what? Sorry about your luck because they are coming and you will have to get used to it. You knew you lived in the County where it was zoned Ag so get over it. You are expecting laws be changed to suit your luck? Tough Titty, you knew about the right to farm law when you moved to your property so get over it. God Bless the Farmers, especially the chicken farmers who give so much to Wicomico County.

  5. Sorry to disappoint you, but I have 40 acres of waterfront with 2 homes on it in Wicomico Co. and a waterfront home on the intracoastal in Fl. No chicken penitentiaries anywhere close to my houses. If you are into cock and hens, that is your choice as is paying MD income tax. As a FL resident, I pay no MD income tax and still enjoy my MD home during the 6 warm months of the year. You are just another unhappy born here that can't escape the cards you were dealt. As I said, the Brunk's are good people and deserve recognition.

    1. Nice good for you ! I like Florida my mother has a home in Spruce Creek . That's near Daytona ! Orange County it a fly in community. I'm a dumb redneck from here and I love the easternshore I could move down or go when I please but who wants to . Its for old people and sissys that can't take the cold ! I love chicken and trapping all winter! By the way both post you have up today are you bragging bout your nice home good job hope you worked hard for it .. We own two nice private planes we can come and go from here as we choose and it takes 2 hours not 13 driving ... Oh but I really did like .40 cal thing I did the same to my chesapeke that was getting sick.

  6. thats ok yall laugh and poke light at this farmer. But those 7 chicken houses he farms makes about 300000+ a year! How many of you num skulls are making that!?!

    Congrats mr farmer!!!!!!!!!!

  7. 11:52 You are so naive. They aren't giving anything to the county except a major drop in real estate values. If anything they are takers. You would best be served by educating yourself before making inane comments. Go and look up how much money they get from tax payers to get rid of the manure. Cover crop program, money for manure sheds and cement pads, just to name a few. Most don't pay any income tax and little property tax because of the zoning.

  8. How much they gross doesn't matter 7:44. It's how much in debt they are which can easily be checked on mdlandrec.net. Those chicken houses cost what like a 100,000 each to build? From an investing standpoint people couldn't make a worse investment if they tried. In chicken farming you may and that's debatable sustain but you aren't making any money and this is why most all chicken farmers aren't really farmers because they have to work off the farm.
    And PS I am not a "num skull" Just to give you an idea I pay around $300,000 in property taxes alone because we are in the commercial real estate rental business.

  9. Good for them. People like these folks are the backbone of this country. You won't see these folks protesting, caring signs, or wearing purple hair. Too busy making a living, and paying taxes.

  10. 9:52, you would be wrong! Big Ag "farmers" are sustained by the taxpayer. They suck more out then they contribute by far.

  11. 9:15 no actually new chicken houses cost around 300,000 bucks. Its a 15 year investment. During those 15 years its probably tight but after that its money time! Yes farmers are tax exempt on some things but not all. After all would you want to pay 4 bucks for a chicken or 8? Frankly I don't care what you pay in taxes.... Us farmers are much much happier than you living the slower laid back life. I own 4 chicken houses that are paid for. I made a 174,000 last yr. Probably a far cry from you but guess what? As long as you keep eating chicken I'll always have a job!


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