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Friday, April 29, 2016

Curt Schilling: ESPN employs ‘some of the biggest racists in sports commentating’

Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN last week for “unacceptable conduct,” which was understood to involve his penchant for sharing politically controversial comments and memes via social media. Now the former pitcher is apparently free to train his fire squarely on the network that parted ways with him.

In an interview Wednesday with the “Breitbart News Patriot Forum” on Sirius XM radio, Schilling said, “Some of the most racist things that I’ve ever heard come out of people that are on the air at ESPN.

“There are some of the biggest racists in sports commentating, and you take it for what it is,” the 49-year-old continued. “You know who they are, you know what they are. I like that they are open because then you know who they are. You know that they exist.”



  1. No surprises here. The left only wants to condemn your actions, not theirs, even though they are the same.

  2. He isn't talking about the left.

  3. Haven't watched ANY ESPN for decades. ABC=ESPN=DISNEY! !! ALL PUSHING PERVERT AGENDA!!!


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