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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Congress Votes To Fund Nearly 300,000 Visas For Muslim Migrants In One Year

The House passed Rep. Paul Ryan’s $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, negotiated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi. A majority of House Republicans voted for the measure, which fully funds Obama’s refugee resettlement operation, all Mideast immigration programs, Sanctuary Cities, Obama’s continued executive amnesty for DREAMers, and the resettlement of illegal aliens within the U.S. interior.

In perhaps a display of loyalty to Ryan, three-fifths of the Republican conference supported his legislation, and even gave him a standing ovation following the bill’s passage.

In passing this legislation, the House has approved funding for the issuance of nearly three hundred thousand visas to migrants from Muslim countries in the next year alone.



  1. Please vote every single one of these Buffoons out of office! They should be fighting this invasion of Illegal Muslims to our country. This is extremely Scary!!

    Paul Ryan you are a traitor to this country and so is every single one of the traitor RINO's that voted for this Omnibus Budget.

  2. wow, it's like we're trying to infect ourselves with a cancer.

    1. Obama's Master plan is the destruction of America.

  3. Exactly why there should be term limits on all politicians. Make changes when you vote, do not keep putting the same people back in for years on end.

    1. Can you imagine MILLINIALS controlling America? .

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 11, 2016 at 1:19 PM

    And you thought Boehner was bad. Look at this Ryan, young dude already in bed with Obama's, Clinton's, Pelosi & Reid. What a Shame!:Just Another Establishment RINO Liar! And All They Do Is Throw Dirt On Trump. Got News For Ya, you "Conservative" Republicans and Back-stabbing RINO's, YOU ARE GONNA BE FIRED SOON! TRUMP THAT !!!

  5. Ryan.
    The new hero of the establishment right.
    Looks like he should be the hero of the liberal left --- "fully funded" (!!) the entry of 300,000 muslims. NONE of them are planning to kill any of us, so its okay.
    Our "leaders".....tasked with our security....FULLY FUNDING (that "funding" is OUR MONEY) immigration of people whose political, social, and religious views are so radically different than ours, we should expect nothing but love and understanding from them.
    Our "leaders"....so happy to put strange and violent people in our midst....using OUR money! That is SO beautiful!!
    Have I mentioned hanging every one of them? With fishing line.
    I remember when Ryan was the next "guy" who was going to save us all.
    Change things.
    Keep cheering. You're getting exactly what you deserve.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 11, 2016 at 2:31 PM

      Agreed 100%. Remember the talk in 2012 when Ryan ran with Romney and all those at Fox News were gushing a out how Talented Ryan was, and This Being the New Young Fresh Face of the Party, and being such a Moderate Republican. I guess he was "Moderating" himself to the Tune of Obama's and Clinton's. All while being paid by TAXPAYERS DOLLARS." But But That Trump Guy, You Know Is Bad,Because He Pays For Everything With His Own Money." Hey Ryan, TRUMP THIS!!!

  6. IF this is true we MUST TAKE BACK AMERICA.

    TRUMP 16.

  7. Treason

  8. Call 202-224-3121 and give RYAN some Hell!

  9. Stop voting. Altogether. Just say NO


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