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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Colorado Trump Delegate Removed And Replaced


  1. If this happened here, it's happening everywhere. En Guarde!

  2. The rules are the rules, at least until they are changed.

  3. 4:32, what does that mean? He was a qualified Delegate and invited to that County. On the way there, they found out that he was for Trump, so they cancelled his credentials before he arrived.

    And you are talking about "Rules"?

    I'm with this man; if these are the "rules" of the GOP, then the GOP are now all Democrats. You know, RINOS!

  4. 432 rules are rules until they are broken by fraud. Then they cease to be rules and become instruments to be exploited. Get a grip.

  5. the "Rules" were written by the Rulers to ensure someone like DT doesn't have a fair chance. And anytime it looks like an outsider has a chance, they'll change those rules or manipulate the situation to ensure they get the outcome they want. We've been saying for many years, "Vote all the bums out". Now we're learning we can't even do that. Basically, we no longer have public servants - we have rulers.

  6. The rules that apply were made in August of 2015. Look up "Colorado republican primary election rules". You will find that the change was made in order to defeat establishment candidates.

  7. rules? rules? we don need no stinkin rules!
    the rules only apply when they want them to apply. learn who your lords and masters are, you fools!
    rules? what a freakin joke!

  8. Neither one were going to win outright soooo?

  9. I think Trump should run as an Independent. They obviously aren't playing fair and they intend to do whatever they have to do to keep him out of office. I intend to vote for him. Maybe they better go ahead and cancel my membership also. Our political process is so much BS. So much for a democracy, of the people, for the people, by the people.

    Business as usual for the crooks. Lets keep all the money flowing to the crooks just the way that it is now. That is what they want. I have had just about enough.


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