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Monday, April 04, 2016

Clinton, Sanders begin to organize in Maryland

The Democratic candidates for president have started to ramp up their campaign operations in Maryland, scheduling a series of events for a late primary in a state that in other election years has been an afterthought.

The campaign of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has scheduled an event in Howard County on Sunday featuring Sen. Ben Cardin — the second such gathering in as many weeks.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign opened an office in Baltimore on Wednesday. And a campaign surrogate, the actor Kendrick Sampson, was set to speak at several meet-and-greet events in the city.

The candidates will compete in four states before Maryland's April 26 primary, including Wisconsin on Tuesday, where recent polling indicates Sanders has opened a small lead, and New York on April 19 — a state where Clinton, Sanders and Republican front-runnerDonald Trump can all claim a degree of home-state advantage.


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