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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Clinton Melts Down Over Arguing About Votes


  1. What a lying idiot!

  2. What a horrible person. Judging by the bags under her eyes, she'll probably not live long enough to complete her first term as president, assuming we as a nation have become so stupid to elect such a despicable lowlife.

  3. This video is essentially saying to Bernie voters you're stupid. Pretty much an insult. Do we really want a professional criminal to be our POTUS. We would've been better off with a mob boss being POTUS than this asshat.

  4. She is evil as you see.


  5. There it is, she helped him get elected and glad she did. It was good for the country....ref the waste in D.C.

    She is saying the same crap will continue under her.....nasty person.

  6. LIAR liar pants on fire, she was given the sec of state position to drop out. She did not do it voluntarily.

  7. When Hillary melts down, we'll know it. This was a dribble.


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