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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Benghazi Committee Member Rep. Elijah Cummings Endorses Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday picked up a big endorsement for her presidential bid from Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings.

"I know Hillary Clinton," Cummings said. "I knew her as first lady when she and her husband Bill Clinton led our nation to peace and prosperity." Clinton has also been an advocate for low-income children and families, he said.

Cummings had remained neutral in the Democratic primary process, party because of his roll as ranking Democrat on the committee investigating the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya. Clinton is a central figure in the investigation.



  1. Yea, he knows all about the peace and prosperity in Baltimore. Prosperous for those in office.

  2. Endorsement after receiving a large gift from the Clinton Foundation.

  3. No conflict of interest here, right???? REALLY???? So he's on Hillary's side in the investigation???

    Boot time!

  4. The same guy said he never met Bernie Sanders, until Sanders campaign released a picture with the two standing next to each other on a bridge in Selma Al. Cummings is a race hustler on the same level of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

  5. My dog used to watch this person a lot on TV. The dog eventually died unfortunately but we learned our lesson.

  6. I can't think of any better reason NOT to vote for her!

    Oh wait - there are four real reasons - the men that died!

    Cummings - you're a real POS - there's a special place in hell for you!


  7. Say it ain't so...

    That should close the deal. lol

  8. Any update on the IRS investigation, Elijah The Communist?

  9. Of course, the IRS will do nothing different if Hillary is elected. But it looks more and more like she will be.

  10. Kind of like a rat endorsing a sewer.


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