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Friday, April 29, 2016

Ben Carson Hates To See Genocidal Slave Owner Andrew Jackson Replaced On The $20 Bill

He thinks Harriet Tubman should go on the rarely circulated $2 bill instead.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has a pretty terrible suggestion for how to get a woman on U.S. currency without bumping Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill: put Harriet Tubman on the rarely used $2 bill instead.

After news broke that the U.S. Treasury intends to replace Jackson with Tubman, the former GOP presidential hopeful told Fox Business’ Neil Cavuto he disagreed with the decision.

“Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget, where we had no national debt,” Carson said in an interview Wednesday. “In honor of that, we kick him off of the money.”

“I love Harriet Tubman, I love what she did,” Carson continued. “But we can find another way to honor her. Maybe a $2 bill.”



  1. As usual Mr. Carson makes sense with his views and feelings on this issue too.

  2. put her on the 100$ Franklin wasnt a president so replace him

  3. Dave T: Agreed, Carson speaks the voice of reason from his heart. He is a true patriot !!! His love for this country is unquestionable and his mellow approach to politics is truly refreshing. Three cheers for this patriot. We are fortunate to have such a great person involved in our political system.

  4. Heaven forbid this country should honor a brave woman and war hero ahead of a man!

  5. 322 you missed the point because your hatered clouds your mind.

  6. 3:22
    My sentiments exactly.
    The Feminine-Nazis are out of control.
    Men are natural leaders and always have been.

  7. Make a $500 again, as $100's hardly buy anything any more. Then, put Aunt Jemima on it if you want.


  8. Tubman was courageous but her actions fall miles short of Jackson's life accomplishments. The recent news about changes to currency are all wrapped up in PC.

    Tubman was likely a Republican sympathizer after the war because Democrats were the supporters of continued slavery before the Civil War. Women didn't vote then.

    Jackson was the first Democrat president, a Revolutionary War prisoner while a teen, hero of Battle of New Orleans, and a slave owner. Larger than life kind of guy.

    I admire Dr. Carson but the $2.00 bill already has an image. It's Thomas Jefferson!

  9. Looking for common sense, ask The Ben!


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